Final Jeopardy: Literary Groups (5-30-23)

Here are some more clues from the 5/30/2023 Jeopardy! game. Please don’t put the answers to these clues in the comments so people who missed the game can have a chance to answer them. It is okay to refer to them by category and clue value or by part of the clue.

THE YEAR THAT WAS ($1000) Zachary Taylor was inaugurated & an estimated 80,000 people poured into California

THE BAND’S SONGS TELL A STORY ($600) “One Of These Nights”, I’ll tell you this band did “Pretty Maids All In A Row”, but “I Can’t Tell You Why”

CZECH IT OUT!($2000) The 3 regions named in the preamble to the Czech Constitution are Bohemia, this one & Silesia

MIDDLE “G” ($1600) Present tense verb meaning to use 2 known positions on a map to determine a third unknown one

The Daily Box Scores are released at 8 pm Eastern

Sneak Peek clues — FRUITY RHYME TIME
($200) Argentine dance performed by a tropical fruit
($400) A bloodsucking worm on a nectarine relative
($600) Private place of worship for a Fuji or Honeycrisp
($800) An expo for a Bosch or Anjou
($1000) Fruit pulled out by Little Jack Horner from the largest part of the brain


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8 Responses

  1. Howard says:

    Algonquin Round Table? Those were Americans, notably including Dorothy Parker and probably Robert Benchley. I felt confident it was the Bloomsbury Group. Oops.

    I was out of town and missed the show entirely. Thank goodness for this recap. Diandra was a lovely lady but somewhat of a sham champion. I thought the DDs were tough except for the 1865 one. At least I got a few stumpers. The Zach Taylor year; the “One of these Nights” band; the present tense verb; and the Jack Horner rhyme.

    From what I can tell, a bit larger wager on that last DD likely would have cinched a runaway for Ilhana.

  2. VJ says:

    A propos the Cat Breeds: Here is a link to the Dec. 4, 2020 recap, where Nikki made a video with the twins, also starring our Russian boy Boris, to surprise me when I came home from the hospital. I cried when I first saw it.

    P.S. If you watched that far, the dedication to my grandson Jax flew by fast. It said: “To Jax – for all your hard work and dedication! Despite the obstacles Jax has faced, he has worked so hard to progress his speech and I think this video speaks volumes.” Jax rarely talked in his first year and a half. He was found to have a hearing problem that required an operation. That was followed by speech therapy and now he talks up a storm, so a shoutout to his parents, the doctors and therapist for their work, too! (My part in that was finding out he could talk, copying simple sounds in some games we played)

  3. Jason says:

    I had NO idea on FJ. Never heard that once in my life. But, I find now that there is a Twitter thread full of gleeful people that knew Final because it was mentioned in a Taylor Swift song!

    The only word I can use for Ilhana is “intense”. She was “dialed in” last night!

  4. Kaye says:

    You have Diandra final score wrong. She ended up with $1.00 not bet $1.00.

  5. Rick says:

    Here we go again in FJ with these alternating slam dunks and triple stumpers.

  6. Ismael Gomez says:

    That was a tough final as we got a triple stumper. We could get a Tuesday losing streak in the final.