Final Jeopardy: 20th Century Presidential Candidates (5-13-16)

Here are 6 triple stumpers from the 5-13-2016 Jeopardy! match.

SUPERIOR ($800) This method of printing whose elements are seen here was long superior in China with its pictorial writing
$800 Superior clue (Jeopardy 5-13-16)

COMMUNICATION ($800) Sherlock Holmes often hears of new developments in a case via this, aka “The Victorian Internet”

AFRICAN-AMERICAN AUTHORS ($800) In 1998 author Gloria Naylor revisited this title “Place”, this time giving “The Men” a chance to be heard from

($2000) Chester Himes explored racism in this book whose 6-word title is in the rhyme “eeny-meeny-miny-mo”

SAME FIRST & LAST LETTER ($1200) A cabbie with an empty taxi may go to the airport to make this

($2000) Used to help eliminate distortion, it’s the type of map projection seen here
$2000 First & Last Letters the Same (Jeopardy! 5-13-16)

The players got all the clues in THE QUOTABLE BEN FRANKLIN:

($200) His “Advice to a Young Tradesman”: “Remember that” this “is Money”
($400) “In this world nothing can be… certain, except” these 2 things
($600) “There never was a good war or” this
($800) These “and visitors stink in three days”
($1000) From this game “We may learn… foresight… circumspection… caution… and… the habit of not being discouraged”


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17 Responses

  1. rhonda says:

    I do remember a clue asking who replaced Eagleton. I believe he was from Maryland?

    • VJ says:

      Eagleton was from Missouri, Rhonda. Agnew was from Maryland. Oh, the irony!!

      • rhonda says:

        That’s right, thanks for straightening me out, VJ! Yuck, Agnew and his nattering nabobs of nepotism, whatever that meant lol. I must have had Maryland on my brain from the state song FJ the other night, although Missouri was an answer to another clue, too, I think.

  2. VJ says:

    Coincidence of the Day

    Today’s Quote: Tricks and treachery are the practice of fools, that don’t have brains enough to be honest. ~ Benjamin Franklin

    • Maori says:

      awesome quote. thx for sharing.

      • VJ says:

        Your welcome, Maori. I put a quote of the day on Spoiler Talk every day and that’s the coincidence — that I had a Ben Franklin quote and the show had a Quotable Ben Franklin category 🙂

  3. JEOPARDY says:

    Can be an easy fj today………….

    One or two might get it wrong….

  4. ccb says:

    Congrats to all the teachers. It was an enjoyable 2 weeks. Next week the Power Players, then back to Buzzy.

  5. Kaye says:

    Darn, my wild card winning it all hopes are dashed. Good game Jason.

  6. VJ says:

    Looked up Toni Morrison out of curiosity as to why Anthony was her middle name…. turns out it’s not. Her birth name is Chloe Ardelia Wofford.

    Rootsweb and various other places say “Anthony” was her baptismal name when she converted to Catholicism at age 12. and that the nickname Toni was based on that.

  7. William Weyser says:

    Congratulations, Jason! We’ll see you in the next TOC. Kaberi and Jill, you were able to pass the quarter-final test, and you were able to pass the semi-final test, but you weren’t able to pass the final test, and as a result, your run’s over. Got to go!

    • William Weyser says:

      Jason Sterlacci also makes history by becoming the 1st middle school teacher ever to win the Teachers Tournament. Charles Temple, 1st ever Teachers Tournament winner, Patrick Quinn and, of course, Colby Burnett were high school teachers, while John Pearson and Jennifer Giles, 1st female winner ever, were elementary school teachers.

  8. aaaa says:

    42/61 here

  9. VJ says:

    So they did save the hard FJs for the last two matches. Here’s the link to some more clues from this game

    • EricS says:

      I think they wanted to place the emphasis on the first two rounds of the semifinals. That seems fair to me.

    • VJ says:

      Now I can say the whole name of the campaign that I was talking about on Spoiler Talk. Lawyers for McGovern, though I never saw a McGovern/Shriver button myself. (There have been a few clues asking who replaced Eagleton)