Final Jeopardy: 20th Century Presidents (4-9-18)

Vice Presidents who became President following the death of a President:


10th VP John Tyler – 10th President (4/4/1842) when William Henry Harrison died of pneumonia.
Next election year: 1844, withdrew his candidacy to support James Polk, who became the 11th President.

12th VP Millard Fillmore – 13th President (7/9/1850) when Zachary Taylor succumbed to a severe and sudden illness.
Next election year: 1852, lost nomination to Winfield Scott, who lost election to Franklin Pierce

16th VP Andrew Johnson – 17th President (4/15/1865) after the assassination of Abraham Lincoln.
Next election year: 1868, lost nomination to Horatio Seymour, who lost election to Ulysses S. Grant

20th VP Chester A. Arthur – 21st President (9/19/1881) after the assassination of James A. Garfield.
Next election year: 1884, lost nomination to James G. Blaine, who lost election to Grover Cleveland


25th VP Theodore Roosevelt – 26th President (9/14/1901) after assassination of William McKinley
Next election year: 1904, won election against Alton B. Parker, inaugurated 3/4/1905; did not run in 1908; defeated in 1912 by Woodrow Wilson.

29th VP Calvin Coolidge – 30th President (8/2/1923) after Warren G. Harding died of a heart attack.
Next election year: 1924 – won election against John W. Davis and Robert M. La Follette, Jr., inaugurated 3/4/1925; did not run in 1928

34th VP Harry S. Truman – 33rd President (4/12/1945) when FDR died of a cerebral hemorrhage
Next election year: 1948, won election against Thomas Dewey and Strom Thurman, inaugurated 1/20/1949; withdrew from 1952 election after N.H. primary

37th VP Lyndon B. Johnson – 36th President (11/22/1963) after John F. Kennedy’s assassination.
Next election year: 1964, won election against Barry Goldwater, inaugurated 1/20/1965; did not seek reelection in 1968

40th VP Gerald R. Ford – 38th President (8/9/1974) after resignation of Richard M. Nixon
Next election year: 1976, lost election to Jimmy Carter

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7 Responses

  1. Nell says:

    The only contestant to get FJ was the PolySci major.

  2. Louis says:

    I was hoping for a triple solve but still, though, this should have been a breeze for the college students if they know presidents VJ. Also have you heard of the esprit de corps? And which categories have you breezed through today VJ?

    • VJ says:

      I was hoping for a triple solve myself, Lou. I really wasn’t keeping track of myself today. I got a call right when the show came on and had to rewatch much of the first round. Not surprisingly, I got zilch in the “Saves” category, and yes, I have heard of esprit de corps.

      LINK: 12 more clues from the game

    • John B. says:

      My 2 cents: esprit de corps is also used in the French Foreign Legion. My older cousin served there and was killed at the battle of Dien Bien Phu in April 1954.He was 19 back then….

  3. Richard Corliss says:

    Vinita Kailasanath & Nico Martinez used to go to Stanford and they still have two winners.

  4. John B. says:

    Unbelievable. Should have been 3 correct. And Cleveland was not even 20th century. I could go on and on…

    • Dalton Higbee says:

      I was hoping everyone would get the 20th Century Presidents final clue right.