Final Jeopardy: Olympic Hosts (4-12-21)

Here are some more clues from the 4/12/2021 Jeopardy! game:

GEOGRA-SEA, & ALSO LAKES ($1000) The Adriatic, between Italy & the Balkans, gets more press than this sea on the other side, between Italy & Corsica & Sardinia

SCIENCE NICKNAMES ($1200) The humidity loving fungus Botrytis cinerea, which afflicts vineyards, has been nicknamed noble this

COUNTING ON TELEVISION ($1600) “16 and Pregnant” on this cable channel follows the trials & tribulations of young women unexpectedly expecting

Sneak Peek clues — 6-LETTER “S”YNONYMS
($200) A child’s teeter-totter
($400) Slang for a black eye
($600) candle bracket
($800) An ape, or apelike
($1000) To envelop or to bandage


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5 Responses

  1. Albert says:

    Doesn’t Allison look a lot like Deborah Raffin?

  2. Jeopardy! lover says:

    I really enjoy these recaps. Thanks so much VJ for taking time doing these every day.

  3. VJ says:

    Thanks so much, Sam and Lou. Sharing the information I come across on Final Jeopardy has always been my favorite part of the recap and it makes me happy when I have succeeded in my goals of informing my readers and finding something entertaining.

    Another interesting thing I noticed on the wikipedia article I linked to — Prince Philip opened the 1956 Melbourne games. I didn’t want to spoil the recap by bringing up the madman at the 1936 Berlin games. ​

    Dennis is as sharp on a tack. I think he’s gonna be hard to beat. I took it for granted that he would get FJ today. It’s mighty funny that I got that $7,000 Daily Double and he didn’t. I am not sharp as a tack. 🤣🤣🤣 I just know that thanks to Mark, who visited Vicksburg National Military Park in 2015 and wrote about it with photos on his Civil War website.

  4. Lou says:

    Thank you for sharing this VJ and we all enjoy your in depth information each day on FJ. Also, Congrats to Dennis on his second win and to Allison on getting final right. Looks like Dennis might actually pull off another win if he continues to master that buzzer use after January blessed us with two streakers. VJ, the 1972 olympics still went on in Germany after the deaths of 11 israeli athletes, which I am sure that you remember. Still though I look forward to seeing Drew Barrymore giving the clues today too.

  5. Sam says:

    Thanks again, VJ, for your terrific website. I particularly enjoy your in-depth info on each day’s Final Jeopardy. Sometimes I get lost exploring some of the facts and figures. I spent an hour today revisiting the various Olympic Games and enjoyed every minute. You ROCK!