Final Jeopardy: Migrations (3-25-25)
The Final Jeopardy question (3/25/2025) in the category “Migrations” was:
A biosphere reserve in Michoacán is named for these creatures that turn the forests orange & black every November
2x champ Josh Weikert, a politics professor from Collegeville, PA, has now won $32,800. In Game 3, his challengers are: Sara Balmuth, an archaeologist from Shasta Lake, CA; and Eugene Huang, a teacher from Paramus, NJ.
Round 1 Categories: Mountains – Hippo-pourri – Quoting the Film – Mix -ology – Business – Before Pleasure
Eugene found the Jeopardy! round Daily Double in “Business” under the $600 clue after the break. He was in second place with $2,800, $800 less than Sara’s lead. Eugene bet $2,000 and he was WRONG, although he came very close.
From the Latin for “body”, this action offers more protection against liability than sole proprietorship show
Josh finished in the lead with $7,200. Sara was second with $3,600 and Eugene was last with $1,600. All clues were shown.
Round 2 Categories: Then, Voyager – 2-Word Phrases – Art History – Women on TV – Plead the 5th – Poetic Places
Josh found the first Daily Double in “2-Word Phrases” under the $1,600 clue on the 6th pick of the round. He was in the lead with $8,000, $3,600 more than Eugene in second place. Josh bet $2,400 and he was RIGHT.
With scenes like the hide & clap in “The Conjuring”, director James Wan has mastered this effect–it literally moves the viewer show
Eugene found the last Daily Double in “Then, Voyager” under the $2,000 clue on the last pick of the round. He was in second place with $13,600, $6,400 less than Josh’s lead. Eugene bet $3,000 and said Baffin Island. That was WRONG.
Jacques Cartier discovered this island, but its French name later gave way to one honoring a son of King George III show
Josh finished in the lead with $20,000. Eugene was second with $10,600 and Sara was last with $1,600. All clues were shown.
ALL of the contestants got Final Jeopardy! right.
The Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve is a UNESCO World Heritage site located in the Mexican states of Mexico and Michoacan. Millions of butterflies east of the Rockies migrate there during the winter. They arrive around November 1st which is the Day of the Dead in Mexico. Thus, some believe they are the souls of the recently departed. As you will see in the video below, a vast number of vacationing butterflies may cluster together, totally covering oyamel fir trees with their black and orange wings.
Monarch butterflies from west of the Rockies overwinter along the Pacific coast near Santa Cruz and San Diego, where the climate is akin to the central Mexican climate.
Sara bet it all and doubled her score to $3,200.
Eugene bet $9,401 and finished with $20,001.
Josh bet $1,201 and won the game with $21,201. That gives Josh a 3-day total of $54,001.
A triple stumper from each round:
MOUNTAINS ($1000) Bearing the name of a country, it’s the second-highest mountain in Africa
PLEAD THE 5th ($2000) Do we have an E.T.A. on that? Oh yes, 1810, when his glowing review of Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony helped immortalize the work
2 years ago: TWO of the players got this FJ in “TRANSPORTATION USA”
This public agency runs the USA’s busiest bus terminal, opened in 1950 for commuters awed by its polished steel & stone show
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I arrived at the game late due to entertaining a guest. Anyways, I was going back and forth between a caterpillar and the butterfly for Fj, but ultimately settled with the caterpillar. Darn!
1/3 on DD, but got FJ.
I was thinking that Eugene was too conservative, and that might be why he doesn’t get a call for a later show. Maybe I’m wrong (of course).
Those DDs were unkind to me and especially Eugene, who arguably might have won the game. I think we may see him again, though.
FJ was so easy in retrospect, but it fluttered right over my head. I really need to stop multi-tasking during the game. A friend in SoCal grows milkweed and tends to monarchs yearly. 2nd highest mountain/country fairly obvious. The -ology-grams not quite as easy as they looked.
Eugene, darn those Daily Doubles, but you did get FJ! right. Josh also got it right, however. So, he wins.