Final Jeopardy: Holiday Songs (12-5-19)

Today’s Final Jeopardy question (12/5/2019) in the category “Holiday Songs” was:

This song had its beginnings as a book handed out to children at Christmas at Montgomery Ward

New champ Jennifer Quail, a wine-tasting consultant from Dowagiac, MI, won $45,200 yesterday. In Game 2, her challengers are: Chris Blasone, an operations control specialist from Chicago, IL; and Kelly Gerhold, an adjunct history teacher from Bakersfield, CA.

Round 1 Categories: Literary Locales – Tanks a Lot! – Archaeology – The “J” Effect – Cheese for the Mouse – Actor & Roles

Jennifer found the Jeopardy! round Daily Double in “Archaeology” under the $800 clue on the 11th pick of the round. She was in a tie for the lead with Kelly. They both had $1,200, $800 more than Chris in second place. She bet $1,000 and she was RIGHT.

The 1866 discovery & translation of “The Decree of Canopus” confirmed Champollion’s work translating this other artifact. show

Kelly finished in the lead with $5,400. Jennifer was second with $4,800 and Chris was last with $600.

Round 2 Categories: Grand Old Flags – 4-Letter Words – “B” Siege – Patriot Games – The World According to Jeff Goldblum – Complete the Constitutional Phrase

Jennifer found the first Daily Double in “Grand Old Flags” under the $1,600 clue on the 7th pick. She was in the lead with $8,400 now, $3,400 more than Kelly in second place. She bet $2,000 and she was RIGHT.

Around since 1817, Chile’s flag is known as La Estrella Solitaria, this name from another familiar flag. show

4 clues later, Jennifer found the last Daily Double in “‘B’ Siege” under the $1,600 clue. In the lead with $12,800, she had $8,600 more than Kelly in second place. She bet $2,500 and she was RIGHT.

During this 1900 rebellion, a siege of the International Quarter in Peking was broken with the timely help of U.S. Marines. show

Jennifer finished in the lead with $16,100. Kelly was next with $13,800 and Chris was in third place with $5,800.

TWO of the contestants got Final Jeopardy! right.


In 1939, Montgomery Ward decided to create its own Christmas story for children, rather than buy preprinted books as it had been doing. They gave the assignment to Robert L. May, an employee who was also a poet. He tested the tale of the red-nosed reindeer on his own daughter to make sure children would love it. “It was a fabulous success in its first year and almost 2-1/2 million copies were given away for free that Christmas by the store,” says Kathryn Goldman in “Who Owns Rudolph’s Nose,” an interesting article on what happened with the copyright.

Sporcle Quiz: How well do you know your Christmas song titles? Fill in the titles of 42 songs based on a lyric in 12 minutes or less in this quiz.

Chris got it right. He bet $5,701 and brought his score up to $11,501.

Kelly thought it was “The First Noel”. She lost $10,000, dropping her down to $3,800.

Jennifer got it right, too. She bet $13,500 and won the game with $29,600. Her 2-day total is $74,800.

Final Jeopardy (12/5/2019) Jennifer Quail, Chris Blasone, Kelly Gerhold

2 triple stumpers from the first round:

CHEESE FOR THE MOUSE ($1000) Speedy Gonzales, your selection is this crumbly kind, “the Parmesan of Mexico”

TANKS A LOT! ($800) Now a counselor & close adviser to the President, she once ran Vox Futuri, known as not a think tank but a “do tank”

More clues on Page 2

2 years ago: ALL of the players got this FJ in “Time Magazine’s Person of the Year”

Since “Man of the Year” became “Person of the Year” in 1999, only 1 individual woman has won: this European for 2015. show

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6 Responses

  1. W nilson says:

    Dowagiac MI – A small city 23 miles north of South Bend , Indiana. Former small industrial city Heddon fishing lures, Round Oak Stoves it was once the furnace capital . Former residents -Judith Ivey actress, Billie Gordon actor/model,James Heddon inventor of the artificial fishing lure and the “Gentle Giant” Chris Taylor all American wrestler Iowa State and Olympic/Pro wrestler. Dowagiac is also the headquarters to the Potawatomi Indians.

  2. Albert says:

    Is it my imagination or was Jeff Goldblum trying to act like Kramer from ‘Seinfeld’?

  3. Lou says:

    Seventy four thousand dollars in just two games is quite a big haul. Just like how james and roger accumulated that much during their runs previously. Although I’ve heard of Rudolph the red nosed reindeer times, the same old Christmas songs played on my radio at home annoyed me to no end, every Christmas they play the same thing over and over. Don’t you get tired of listening to the same Christmas songs VJ?

    Glad two people got this. I think Jennifer might reach 100K tomorrow if this keeps up.

    • VJ says:

      No, Lou, I don’t get tired of Christmas songs. I like so many of them and there were always youngsters around learning them for the first time so that made them seem new most Christmases. Everyone has different favorites and I like to ask people what their favorite is. Mine is “Do You Hear What I Hear?”

      Wow, I like Jeff Goldblum and I was looking forward to that category today but it was so… awkward, for want of a better word. Alex seemed embarrassed enough by it that he felt he had to comment that it was too bad Goldblum didn’t seem to enjoy doing it.

      LINK: more clues from the game

      • JP says:

        Speaking of “Do You Hear What I Hear?”, how’s this for a clue for “Holiday Songs”: “This song’s title question doesn’t appear until the song’s second verse.”