Final Jeopardy: Television (10-7-16)
The Final Jeopardy question (10/7/2016) in the category “Television” was:
The focus of a 1970s miniseries & its recent remake, he arrived at Annapolis in 1767 aboard the ship the Lord Ligonier.
New champ Sarah Flamini won $21,800 yesterday. In the last game of the week (it’s Friday already?), she is up against these two players: Bryn Keating, from Brooklyn, NY; and Nate Ross, from Los Angeles, CA.
Round 1 Categories: No Discrimination – “Race” – Color – Religion – Jen-Der – National Origin
Sarah found the Jeopardy! round Daily Double in “No Discrimination” under the $800 clue with only two clues left after it. She was in second place with $3,200, $2,200 less than Nate’s lead. She bet $1,500 and she was RIGHT.
A book by the head of AARP urges every “to speak out against” this -ism. show
Nate finished in the lead with $4,800. Bryn was second with $4,700 and Sarah was last with $400.
Round 2 Categories: Bessemer Mucho – BusinessPeople – African Lakes – Literary Facts – Compound Words – Music for the Dentist’s Chair
Bryn found the first Daily Double in “Literary Facts” under the $1,200 clue on the 12th pick. She in the lead with $7,900 at this point, $1,500 more than Nate in second place. She bet $2,000 and she was RIGHT.
The first Bombay-born winner of the Nobel Prize for literature, in 1907, he wasn’t Hindi. show
Nate found the last Daily Double in “African Lakes” under the $1,200 clue. Only 5 clues were left after it. In the lead with $12,000, he had $4,100 more than Bryn in second place. He bet $1,000 and he was RIGHT.
One of the world’s largest manmade lakes, Lake Kariba lies on “Z” border of these 2 African countries. show
Nate finished in the lead with $14,600. Sarah was next with $9,600 and Bryn was in third place with $8,300.
Only ONE of the contestants got Final Jeopardy! right.
Kunta Kinte is the main character in Alex Haley’s 1976 novel “Roots: The Saga of an American Family.” According to the author, Kunta was his great-great-great-great grandfather. As a teenager, he was kidnapped from his village in Gambia in 1767 and brought to the United States on the slave ship Lord Ligonia. The novel was made into a 1977 miniseries starring Levar Burton as the young Kunta Kinte. John Amos took over the role when Kunta matured into a man. In the 2016 remake of the same name, Kunta Kinte was portrayed by Malachi Kirby.WHO IS KUNTA KINTE?
The original miniseries included an astonishing array of well-known names (even O.J. Simpson was in it). LeVar Burton made a cameo appearance in the remake as the slave Ephraim.
Bryn wrote down Alex Haley, who was born in the USA in 1921. She lost her $2,500 bet and finished with $5,800.
Sarah thought it was John Paul Jones, who came to America in 1774. That cost her $9,595, leaving her $5.
Nate got it right. He bet $4,700 so he won the match with $19,300 and we will be seeing this new Jeopardy! champ next Monday.
A triple stumper from each round:
DISCRIMINATION ($200) The sequence “race, color, religion, sex” (they said sex) “or national origin” is in this 1964 Federal law.
LITERARY FACTS ($1200) The eventual author of 40 books, James Michener didn’t publish his first, these “Tales”, until he was 40.
2 years ago: TWO of the players got this FJ in “Countries of the World”
It became a colony of the U.S. in 1898, a commonwealth in 1935 & an independent country in 1946. show
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My dad showed me the clue about this color being the 1st color on a Crayola crayon. Surprisingly, I’m wearing a Crayola shirt right now, and I didn’t know that the color was orange. I really like the color orange.
Orange is my granddaughter’s favorite color, too, William.
I like yellow. Butterscotch is one of my favorite shades too, but apparently Crayola doesn’t have that shade. Says in this funny article, The Most Ridiculous Crayola Crayons, that they have goldenrod.
What about when Nate answered Gennifer Flowers (I think she spells it that way) instead of Jennifer Saunders? I thought the audience would have more of a reaction.
Yes, that was funny! The reaction was totally edited out. ROFL
That explains it, then VJ, because it was hilarious.
My favorite clue today was Nate’s Daily Double. “Z” borders… LOL!! I bet it was Nate’s favorite too only he wished he bet more. 🙂
Here’s a link to 10 more clues, including the whole Dentist’s Chair Music category
It appears we’re back to one-day champions. Hopefully, next week will bring at least a two-day champion. We shall see.
Haley embellished from or plagiarized the work, The African, by Harold Courlander.
Breitbart has an article on the Haley hoax calling him (LOL) “The Lance Armstrong of Literature” LINK
It wasn’t just that parts were taken from The African, it was also proven that Haley’s editor, Murray Fisher, wrote a significant part of Roots.