Final Jeopardy: Animals (10-31-24)

Here are some more clues from the 10/33/2024 Jeopardy! game. Please don’t put the answers to these clues in the comments so people who missed the game can have a chance to answer them. It is okay to refer to them by category and clue value or by part of the clue.

MANNERS MAKETH… ($1000) Supreme Court justices, federal judges, the president & vice president should all be introduced with this title

HATE-FUL QUOTES ($1600) Huck in “Tom Sawyer Abroad”: “There ain’t no surer way to find out whether you like people or hate them than to” do this “with them”

RAP GENRES ($1200) Billboard says the album “Trap Muzik” by this rapper and actor introduced trap to the masses

($1600) With the triggerman beat, rappers like Big Freedia innovate in this rap subgenre that sounds like what you’d do on a trampoline

THE OED SAYS H-I ($400) “The biological genus that comprises modern man”

($1600) The OED, really living up to the word: “that does not cease; unceasing, ceaseless…either in duration or repetition”

The Daily Box Scores are released at 8 pm Eastern

($200) A Spanish magazine covering celebrity life has this greeting as its title
($400) It’s a common Jewish greeting as well as a farewell
($600) It’s a 3-letter mashup of a 2-word question, & I dunno, this 3-letter mashup of a 2-word question with you?
($800) Hey pardner, this informal greeting rhymes with “apple pan dowdy” in a song from the 1940s
($1000) This 2-word German expression covers good day, good afternoon & hello


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8 Responses

  1. Jason says:

    I had not commented, because I thought everyone else covered everything I might have said. But, I just saw an article online that raised a question. It was the alliterative phrase that they said started with the Navy. The response was “happy hour”. I thought alliteration was sounds, not spelling, and in this case, there’s a hard H, and a silent H – which, I did not realize at the time, are not the same sound.

    So, as we are prone to be precise, am I wrong? In the article, people went to dictionary definitions, and they went to the etymology, which was from Latin. HOWEVER, all consonants in Latin are hard. Were it Latin, it would sound like “happy hower”, which we don’t say in English. Another example, with several differences, is “Julius Caesar” – since they didn’t have a J, the pronunciation would be “Iulius Kaiser” (like the German word for “emperor”, which is also the word for the ancient Roman).

    Otherwise, my Nahuatl (which, of course, is less than trivial), was increased just that little bit by FJ. I was very impressed how Joseph and Alicia caught up to Greg near the end, and made it a game.

    We only had 7 kids for Hallowe’en. Becoming less and less every year.

    • VJ says:

      Jason, fwiw, I’ve seen people say that words that it’s wrong to say two words or names are alliterative if they begin with a vowel. I think that was about Ansel Adams.

      All I know is whenever 2 words or names start with the same letter and I know the answer, I fully expect to see “alliterative” in the clue. 🤣

  2. Howard says:

    Terrific game once again, props to Alicia for hanging in there. Greg looked to be headed for a runaway early. Props to Joseph for knowing the state with the unicameral legislature. For a moment I thought he would draw a blank.

    I know there are other shelled animals, but I thought all 3 would nail the armadillo, especially with Aztec in the clue to point out its origin. My sis-in-law has a whole collection of them (fakes).

    Other than the Caspian Sea, which is technically a lake, isn’t Lake Baikal the only lake of significance in Russia? Just seemed too obvious for a DD clue.

    A little disappointed no one knew the proper form of address for federal officeholders, and probably many local ones too.

    • VJ says:

      Yes, Howard, Baikal is the go-to Russian lake. The only other Russian lake to be a clue answer is Lake Ladoga. I suppose any other Russian lake would be mentioned in the clue.

      • Howard says:

        Forgot to mention that there are basically only two things you might do on a trampoline, yet no one took a shot at it.

  3. Rick says:

    It was another great game, and I did well above average. Well, I couldn’t knock the champion for picking ‘hermit crab’ in FJ as I went for ‘tortoise’. Anyways, one of us came up with the correct response.

  4. Kevin Cheng says:

    Happy Halloween! This week we had 4 different winners, and they have all been men.