Final Jeopardy: Awards & Honorees (10-28-20)

Here are 7 more triple stumpers from the 10/28/2020 Jeopardy! game:

FROM S TO T ($1000) Medieval knights wore this outer tunic over their metal armor

BANDS OF THE 21ST CENTURY ($2000) This hit by Panic! at the Disco had no fewer than 9 writers; Tayla Parx contributed the “Mama said” part

WHAT’S YOUR “I.P.” ADDRESS? ($1200) Dr. Robert Wang helped create this brand of multicooker whose name implies speed

($1600) Inadequate defense is a problem encountered by this group that works to exonerate the wrongly convicted

LITERATURE ON THE MAP ($1200) This author based the novel “The Magic Mountain” on a trip to Davos, Switzerland to treat his wife’s bronchitis

EVERYDAY GERMAN IN ENGLISH ($1600) None of this “whirlpool” pastry for me–I’m dieting

($2000) A book about the hero’s formative years is this kind of “education novel”

The players missed 4 clues in HODGEPODGE. (At least they didn’t lose any money on them):

($200) In 1968 Congress passed the Fair this act, a word also in the name of a then 3-year-old cabinet department
($400) In the 2010s LoL, this multiplayer game, surpassed WoW as the world’s most popular video game
($600) Don’t struggle clumsily in naming this flatfish, be it European or starry
($1000) The functions of a liver cell can be split into 5 major categories, one of which is changing fat & protein into this


Answers to the Sneak Peek clues — NEW YORK TIMES HEADLINES:
($400) December 31, 1999: “Little Fallout from” this “Glitch”
($800) April 19, 1923: “74,200 See Yankees Open New Stadium; he “Hits Home Run”
($1200) April 19,, 1978: “Senate Votes to Give Up” this waterway
($1600) From April 1955: this man’s “Polio Vaccine Proves Success: Millions Will Be Immunized Soon”
($2000) April 20, 1993: “Death in” this Texas city; “Scores Die as Cult Compound is Set Afire”


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10 Responses

  1. Richard Corliss says:

    This game got crazy! I hope Zach Newkirk will return in Season 38.

  2. Chuck says:

    Why didn’t Brian get credit for his sprint answer in the s&t category? As a marathon runner I thought it was a better response than shortcut

  3. VJ says:

    I didn’t have room to stick this clue from the 2014 Battle of the Decades in the recap: TELL US WHAT HE’S WON! ($2000) 1983: I.M. Pei wins “the Nobel Prize of Architecture” (Brad Rutter got it.)

    There was a Pritzker Prize category in 2017 but they only got to 3 clues in it. Since then, the prize has had clues every year. I.M. Pei has 3x as many clues as the Pritzker Prize

  4. Patrick Mallon says:

    Brian Adams’ three day reign is over.

  5. Lou says:

    Jen is now the fourth contestant to be dismissed since the guys were quick on the buzzer. Still though by Scott. I hope he could get a streak running. After.I M Pei passed on last year, all the work he did were dedicated to him in memory. His legacy lives on for the people in architecture. Tons of triple stumpers here today.

  6. Kevin Cheng says:

    Jennifer or Jen for short was out of FJ! and she only rang in 4 times which means she couldn’t get things rolling. She even didn’t respond any clues in Round 2. So far, we have a lot contestants got eliminated for FJ! How many do we have so far?