Final Jeopardy: 1970s Top 40 Hits (10-22-21)

Today’s Final Jeopardy question (10/22/2021) in the category “1970s Top 40 Hits” was:

Seeing a poster for a production of “Cyrano de Bergerac” in a seedy Paris hotel & ladies of the evening nearby inspired this hit

9x champ Jonathan Fisher, an actor from Coral Gables, FL won $215,900 so far. In Game 10, he takes on: Lea Zaric, a graduate student from Vista, CA; and Rudy Fernandez-Dieppa, an investment manager from Tampa, FL.

Round 1 Categories: What’s in a Geographic Name – Popping Out Pop Culture – The OED Speaks Canadian – Pearls of Wisdom – Cello – Is It Me You’re Looking for?

Rudy found the Jeopardy! round Daily Double in “Geographic Name” under the $1,000 clue, with 8 clues still to go after it. He was in third place with $2,600, half of Lea’s lead. He bet $1,000 and he was RIGHT.

The “P” in Pakistan comes from this region, the name of a Pakistani province & a state of India. show

Lea finished in the lead with $6,000. Jonathan was second with $4,800 and Rudy was last with $4,200. No clues went uncovered.

Round 2 Categories: You Say You Want a Revolution – Puzzles & Games – The Author’s Characters – Planetary Science – Actors & Accents – Meta”for”s

Lea found the first Daily Double in “Actors & Accents” under the $800 clue on the 4th pick. She was in second place with $7,600 now, $400 less than Jonathan’s lead. She bet $5,000 and thought it was Benjamin Franklin. That was WRONG.

Jonathan Groff from Lancaster, Pennsylvania worked up a posh English accent for this Broadway role in “Hamilton” show

3 clues later, Lea landed on the last Daily Double in “Revolution” under the $1,600 clue. In second place with $3,800, she had $4,200 less than Jonathan’s lead. She bet $1,800 and, this time, she was RIGHT.

Nearly 30 years after the 1989 none in Czechoslovakia, Armenia had its own revolution named for this soft fabric. show

Jonathan finished in the lead with a runaway $19,600. Lea was next with $4,800 and Rudy was in third place with $3,800. No clues went uncovered.

TWO of the contestants got Final Jeopardy! right.


Earlier this year (Thursday, 3/18/2021), Sting, lead singer of The Police presented a category on Jeopardy! The video is on the recap for that week. None of the clues covered “Roxanne”, the first hit for the English rock group, but in a crazy coincidence, the website Outsider speculated that the story behind “Roxanne” could be clue material.

This was written the day before the category aired: “Sting’s song Roxanne is about a man who falls in love with a prostitute. Sting said he was inspired by watching the sex workers hanging outside his cheap hotel when the Police first performed in Paris. This was circa 1977. Roxanne also was the name of a character in the play Cyrano de Bergerac. A poster for Cyrano was hanging in the hotel lobby.”

Rudy got it right. He bet it all and doubled his score to $7,600.

Lea got it right, too. She didn’t bet anything so she finished in third place with that same $4,800.

Jonathan came up with “Honky Tonk Women”, a 1969 Rolling Sstones release. He lost his $5,400 bet but won the game with the $14,200 he had left. Jonathan Fisher wraps up the week with a 10-day total of $230,100.

Final Jeopardy (10/22/2021) Jonathan Fisher, Lea Zaric, Rudy Fernandez-Dieppa

A triple stumper from each round:

CELLO ($1000) Portrayed on film in “Hilary & Jackie”, the life of this British cellist was cut short by MS at age 42

PUZZLES & GAMES ($1200) The puzzle alliteratively known as this man’s “Revenge” adds extra rows & has no fixed center pieces

More clues on Page 2

2 years ago: NONE of the players got this FJ in “The Postcolonial World”

This African nation left the British Commonwealth in 2003 over sanctions on its undemocratic government; in 2018 it applied to rejoin show


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11 Responses

  1. Howard says:

    Lea did exactly what she needed to do, bet big on the first DD, but unfortunately missed that tough one. She very likely would have won had she nailed it. Jonathan very impressive considering he didn’t flesh out a single DD.

    60s-70s music is something I know well, but I honestly thought the final was “Lady Marmalade.”

  2. VJ says:

    I don’t particularly like this song, mainly because it is so repetitive and there’s not much to it in the way of lyrics. VH-1 has a list (slideshow) of 15 most repetitive songs and “Roxanne” came in at No. 15.

    They have Lambchop’s “Song That Never Ends” as No. 1 on there. The list was made in 2015. “Baby Shark” would certainly knock “Roxanne” off the list, if updated. However, I don’t think kids’ songs should have been included. There’s a legit purpose to them being repetitive.

    • rhonda says:

      I actually prefer “Baby Shark” to “Roxanne”. By the way, the answer to today’s FJ finally popped into my head around noon time lol. The hints about The Police were of no help to me, I didn’t know they were responsible for it lol. I never cared much for Sting.

    • Howard says:

      I’ve referred to “The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald” as “the song that never ends” for decades now.

    • Cece says:

      So, ” nananana, hey Jude…” didn’t make the list.

      • VJ says:

        Cece!! LOL!! I thought “Hey Jude” would be on there myself but it has more lyrics than “Roxanne”. Instead, they had “Let It Be” for the Beatles’ entry with 36 repetitions of the title (ugh!).

        So glad to see your comment. I’ve been thinking about you this week and wondering if you were still reading at least ow and then 😁

        • Cece says:

          VJ!! I think about you all the time, and yes, still take great pleasure in reading your recaps. Sometimes I have to play catch up and read 3 or 4 at a time, threatening everyone in the household who dares to interrupt me. 🙂

          Anyway, thanks for the link to the list — it amused me, and made me think of your comment a while back on Hey Jude. 🙂

          Hope you’re doing really well.

    • rhonda says:

      “Ain’t No Sunshine When She’s Gone” by Bill Withers drives me nuts. I know, I know, I know, I know ugh, I can’t stand that song.

  3. Alfred Robert Hogan says:

    Super-tough FJ today I had zero idea about whatsoever!

  4. Lou says:

    Jonathan had a great two week run so far despite missing some easy final jeopardy clues. Still though Matt would be proud of him having winning 10 games so far. Jon is very close to Seth Wilson’s 12 game total. We wrap up this week with another clean sweep and a few triple stumpers in final along with some big challenges for our returning champion. Speaking of Cyrano de bergerac wasn’t there another guy that also fell for Roxanne in that play, VJ? His name was christian. You remember how that guy wrote a poem for Roxanne but can’t finish it, right? That play brought back so many great memories for me and I think Roxanne once said that love is going to die.