Final Jeopardy: Latin Phrases (1-30-25)

Here are some more clues from the 1/30/2025 Jeopardy! game. Please don’t put the answers to these clues in the comments so people who missed the game can have a chance to answer them. It is okay to refer to them by category and clue value or by part of the clue.

U.S. CITIES ($800) Named for a city in France, this state capital lies along the Winooski River

($1000) Take a load off in this third-largest Iowa city that hosts a famous jazz festival honoring native son Bix Beiderbecke

FITNESS ($200) Sets of these to elevate you & raise your heart rate include L.A.’s Prospect ones & D.C.’s Exorcist ones

($1000) As a model of the universe opposed to the Big Bang, it’s in trouble; as a low-intensity type of cardio training, it’s still popular

PRE-BOOTS ($400) Nicollette Sheridan & Elaine Hendrix both played Alexis in 2019 on this nighttime soap, but Joan Collins was enough in 1981

COUNTS & COUNTESSES ($400) Before her contemporary Charles Perrault, Countess d’Aulnoy used this name for a type of story, conte de fées in French

($800) Countess Jacqueline des Ribes was one of the original women Truman Capote compared to these birds

($2000) Found in The Hague, one of Holland’s great museums was the house or “huis” of this man & there’s a portrait of him inside

COMMUNICATION ($400) Rhyming synonym for a namecheck

AUTHORS ($400) Andrew Neiderman has written 60+ books under the name of this “Flowers in the Attic” author plus her bio, “The Woman Beyond the Attic”

($1200) Early novelists often titled books after a character; see Henry Fielding’s “Joseph Andrews”, “Jonathan Wild” & this 1749 tale

($2000) In 2023 an amateur scholar found a creepy story by this Irish novelist, “Gibbet Hill”, from an 1890 newspaper & unpublished since

STARTS & ENDS WITH THE SAME VOWEL ($800) Shapely name for President’s Park South, a 52-acre location near the White House used for gatherings & other activities

The Daily Box Scores are released at 8 pm Eastern

($200) First name of Koufax or Duncan + a frozen waffle brand once owned by Kellogg’s = this not quite a southern California city
($400) 1st name of the guy “who lives in a pineapple under the sea” = activity with “star promenade” & “arm turns” = this dude with new moves
($600) The state where you’ll find Sleepy Hollow & New Paltz + shortened plural for a cloth used to blow the nose
($800) A word preceding “punishment” when that’s applied to a body _ married name of Ark. Gov. Sarah = this demoted fried chicken magnate
($1000) 5-letter synonym for terrible that also describes the “truth” in a film title + the Willis one in Illinois = this European eyesore


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11 Responses

  1. Nancy says:

    Mehai’s answer in final jeopardy should have been accepted. He was robbed of the win. Disgusting outcome.

  2. William Weyser says:

    Sorry about that, Mehal Shah.

  3. Jason says:

    I got FJ. I remembered that directly. However, I was only 1/3 on DD. I have never heard of Babbitt, even though I am a Lewis fan, and I can’t keep the Baltic states in order.

    Did pretty good on the TS. I will wholly agree with VJ that that two things category was a downer.

  4. Howard says:

    Like Ryan, I coined my own FJ phrase, annum opprobrium.
    Much better group than last night, despite the surfeit of stumpers, although I found both nights’ clues tough. IMO, the “clue crew” ratchets up the difficulty in the ToC every year.

    2/3 on DDs; middle one got me. The Iowa City had a giveaway hint in it. Only semi-ashamed to admit I knew the Joan Collins soap, which I never saw even once.

  5. Rick says:

    Wow, another tough FJ this week, and I am no scholar of Latin. Anyways, I would have certainly given Mehal credit for his response in FJ as it was close enough in my opinion. Gee, I thought that Ken didn’t take off for spelling.

  6. VJ says:

    The Latin is Simple website says annus terribilis applies to 1348, the year of the Black Death.

    genus terribilis applies to today’s “Let’s Put 2 Things Together” category 🤣

  7. JP says:

    Besides thinking there was a “u” at the end of the word, my mental guess this morning was also missing a syllable. I think I would have written “horriblus” and would been correctly been ruled incorrect as well.

  8. Kevin Cheng says:

    Man, Mehal was missing a syllable and his response was not accepted and it cost him a spot in the semifinals. That response should be added to the spelling list decisions as not accepted.

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