Final Jeopardy: Latin Phrases (1-30-25)
Here are some more clues from the 1/30/2025 Jeopardy! game. Please don’t put the answers to these clues in the comments so people who missed the game can have a chance to answer them. It is okay to refer to them by category and clue value or by part of the clue.
U.S. CITIES ($800) Named for a city in France, this state capital lies along the Winooski River
($1000) Take a load off in this third-largest Iowa city that hosts a famous jazz festival honoring native son Bix Beiderbecke
FITNESS ($200) Sets of these to elevate you & raise your heart rate include L.A.’s Prospect ones & D.C.’s Exorcist ones
($1000) As a model of the universe opposed to the Big Bang, it’s in trouble; as a low-intensity type of cardio training, it’s still popular
PRE-BOOTS ($400) Nicollette Sheridan & Elaine Hendrix both played Alexis in 2019 on this nighttime soap, but Joan Collins was enough in 1981
COUNTS & COUNTESSES ($400) Before her contemporary Charles Perrault, Countess d’Aulnoy used this name for a type of story, conte de fées in French
($800) Countess Jacqueline des Ribes was one of the original women Truman Capote compared to these birds
($2000) Found in The Hague, one of Holland’s great museums was the house or “huis” of this man & there’s a portrait of him inside
COMMUNICATION ($400) Rhyming synonym for a namecheck
AUTHORS ($400) Andrew Neiderman has written 60+ books under the name of this “Flowers in the Attic” author plus her bio, “The Woman Beyond the Attic”
($1200) Early novelists often titled books after a character; see Henry Fielding’s “Joseph Andrews”, “Jonathan Wild” & this 1749 tale
($2000) In 2023 an amateur scholar found a creepy story by this Irish novelist, “Gibbet Hill”, from an 1890 newspaper & unpublished since
STARTS & ENDS WITH THE SAME VOWEL ($800) Shapely name for President’s Park South, a 52-acre location near the White House used for gatherings & other activities
The Daily Box Scores are released at 8 pm Eastern
($200) First name of Koufax or Duncan + a frozen waffle brand once owned by Kellogg’s = this not quite a southern California city
($400) 1st name of the guy “who lives in a pineapple under the sea” = activity with “star promenade” & “arm turns” = this dude with new moves
($600) The state where you’ll find Sleepy Hollow & New Paltz + shortened plural for a cloth used to blow the nose
($800) A word preceding “punishment” when that’s applied to a body _ married name of Ark. Gov. Sarah = this demoted fried chicken magnate
($1000) 5-letter synonym for terrible that also describes the “truth” in a film title + the Willis one in Illinois = this European eyesore
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Mehai’s answer in final jeopardy should have been accepted. He was robbed of the win. Disgusting outcome.
Sorry about that, Mehal Shah.
I got FJ. I remembered that directly. However, I was only 1/3 on DD. I have never heard of Babbitt, even though I am a Lewis fan, and I can’t keep the Baltic states in order.
Did pretty good on the TS. I will wholly agree with VJ that that two things category was a downer.
Like Ryan, I coined my own FJ phrase, annum opprobrium.
Much better group than last night, despite the surfeit of stumpers, although I found both nights’ clues tough. IMO, the “clue crew” ratchets up the difficulty in the ToC every year.
2/3 on DDs; middle one got me. The Iowa City had a giveaway hint in it. Only semi-ashamed to admit I knew the Joan Collins soap, which I never saw even once.
Wow, another tough FJ this week, and I am no scholar of Latin. Anyways, I would have certainly given Mehal credit for his response in FJ as it was close enough in my opinion. Gee, I thought that Ken didn’t take off for spelling.
Spelling doesn’t count, syllables (added or missing) do. Ken mentioned the missing syllable.
The Latin is Simple website says annus terribilis applies to 1348, the year of the Black Death.
genus terribilis applies to today’s “Let’s Put 2 Things Together” category 🤣
Besides thinking there was a “u” at the end of the word, my mental guess this morning was also missing a syllable. I think I would have written “horriblus” and would been correctly been ruled incorrect as well.
Man, Mehal was missing a syllable and his response was not accepted and it cost him a spot in the semifinals. That response should be added to the spelling list decisions as not accepted.
I agree. That was a bummer.
I updated the Spelling Decisions post, Kevin.
@Rick, close enough doesn’t count in FJ! Ken explained that Mehal’s response couldn’t be accepted because he lost a syllable when he left out one ‘i’ (horriblis, 3 syllables; horribilis, 4 syllables).