Final Jeopardy: English Literature (1-29-25)

The Final Jeopardy question (1/29/2025) in the category “English Literature” was:

Part II of this 17th century work says, “I see myself now at the end of my journey; my toilsome days are ended”

5x champ Greg Jolin, a system specialist & accountant from Raymond, NH,; 3x champ Weckiai Rannila, an engineer from Albuquerque, NM; and 3x champ Neilesh Vinjamuri, a software engineer from Lionville, PA.

Round 1 Categories: Parts of Speech – American Food & Drink – 3 of a Kind – Ernest Hemingway – Movies With Subtitles – The Rest is History (Presented by Tom Holland & Dominic Sandbrook)

Neilesh found the Jeopardy! round Daily Double in “Ernest Hemingway” under the $1,000 clue on the 12th pick of the round. He was in the lead with $4,400, $2,600 more than Weckiai in second place. Neilesh bet $1,000 and he was RIGHT.

Ernest was an ambulance driver in World War I, just like his hero Frederick Henry in this novel show

Neilish finished in the lead with $10,600. Weckiai was second with $3,000 and Greg was last with $1,400. All clues were shown.

Round 2 Categories: Bodies of Water – How Far is It? – Religious Words & Phrases – Broadway Debuts – Chemistry – Piano Lesson

Greg found the first Daily Double in “How Far is It?” under the $2,000 clue with 8 clues left after it. He was in second place with $3,800, $23,200 less than Neilish in the lead. Greg bet it all and guessed the Bikini Atoll. That was WRONG.

From L.A. to this atoll, about 3,500 miles; from there to Shanghai, about 3,500 more show

5 clues later, Greg found the last Daily Double in “Piano Lesson” under the $800 clue. He was in last place with $2,000, $25,800 less than Neilish’s lead. Greg bet $2,000 and was half WRONG.

Of the 4 main instrument families in an orchestra, the piano actually belongs to both of these show

Neilish finished in the lead with a runaway $28,200. Weckiai was second with $4,600 and Greg was last with $800. All clues were shown.

ALL of the contestants got Final Jeopardy! right.


John Bunyan wrote “The Pilgrim’s Progress” while serving a jail sentence. He published it in 1678. A religious allegory, the main character Christian leaves his wife and kids to journey to the Celestial City. The sequel, published in 1684, is the story of Christiana, the wife. She and the kids hit the road to join Christian. The quote in the clue is in Chapter 10. It is the first sentence of this extract, sometimes read at funerals.

I found a synopsis of the novel on YouTube. This one screen made me think of a board game, and sure enough, I found an old one online! It’s very hard to get a copy, so someone ought to make a new one.

Greg bet $231 and finished with $1,031.

Weckiai bet $2,999 and finished with $7,599.

Neilesh bet nothing. He won the semifinal spot with the $28,200 he already had.

Final Jeopardy (1/29/2025) Greg Jolin, Weckiai Rannila, Neilesh Vinjamuri

A triple stumper from each round:

ERNEST HEMINGWAY ($800) Hemingway looked back on his life as a young writer in 1920s Paris in this memoir

BROADWAY DEBUTS ($1600) In his first 2 Broadway roles, he played Eugene Jerome in the premieres of “Brighton Beach Memoirs” & “Biloxi Blues”

More clues on Page 2

2 years ago: Only ONE of the players got this FJ in “LITERATURE”

Published in 2011, P.D. James’ final novel, “Death Comes to Pemberley”, was a sequel to this novel from 200 years earlier show


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14 Responses

  1. Sam in Seattle says:

    Did anyone else (besides VJ) notice the acceptance of “Atticus” rather than “Finch”? In the past week at least two contestants have been dinged for adding a superfluous “s:” to otherwise correct answers. I was very surprised this error wasn’t noticed.

    • VJ says:

      @Sam, I know you said besides me but since no one else replied, here’s my opinion: I think they would argue that just Atticus was acceptable because he was the only character in the book/play/movie with that name.

      The problem that could lead to now is just “Edward” would be acceptable for Jane Eyre’s boss and just “Oliver” would work for Lady Chatterley’s gamekeeper. Just saying… it might not happen.

      • Sam in Seattle says:

        A good point, but I agree it might open a whole new can of worms for the judges. Once again I want to thank you for your superlative web site and all the wonderful bits of info that brighten my day. I hope you know how much you are appreciated.

  2. Rick says:

    VJ, the ‘Pilgrim’s Progress’ board games are available on eBay, but they’re not cheap.

  3. Howard says:

    Oh my, what a beatdown, pretty rare for a ToC affairs, I’d guess. At least for anyone not name Holzhauer. We have a potential champion here.

    Good on them for getting FJ. I was all over the place, including King Lear and Gulliver’s Travels. Greg’s correct response gave him $1031 to match his Halloween birthday (also mine). I thought he’d nail that last DD, it was semi-obvious.

    Were all the stumpers listed tonight? I got the Eugene Jerome actor and thought I’d known another one, but don’t see any here that I knew. I had a slightly different response for “Dieudonne,” but they might not have accepted it.

    • VJ says:

      I only saw 4 stumpers, Howard. 2 in each round.

      • Howard says:

        Yeah, upon reflection, I think it was “dieudonne” I was thinking of. It brings back an unpleasant memory of my appearance. In Nine-Letter Words, there was a clue about a shop selling Chanel, something like that. Alex ruled “parfumerie” correct by the champ, the game progressed, then during the first break they deliberated and ruled it incorrect, which it was. Had I been given the chance, I’d have said “parfumier” which was 9 letters but technically not the word for the shop. That “lost” $400 would have been just enough to force an eventual tie at $9200 and bring back both of us. (The “correct” answer was perfumery, a word I’ve still never heard of to this day. I posed this on the J! contestants FB page a few years ago, and those familiar with francais mostly ruled against my chosen word.)

    • VJ says:

      Also, Howard, I’m sure they would have to accept your translation of “Dieudonne” — I was wondering how they expected the contestants to translate it any other way than literally.

  4. Rick says:

    It was another great game, and I again performed about average. Wow, chemistry was actually one of my stronger subjects, but I only managed 2/5 in that category. Anyways, for lack of anything better, I went with ‘The Canterbury Tales’ by Geoffrey Chaucer. Yeah, I knew that wasn’t going to get off the ground. For one thing, ‘The Canterbury Tales’ was written several centuries earlier, and it was all in Middle English.

  5. Ismael Gomez says:

    I hope William Weyser will say darn those daily doubles to Greg.

    • Richard Corliss says:

      He’s been saying that since Hunter Appler failed to take the lead away from Pranjal Vachaspati and Buzzy Cohen.

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