Final Jeopardy: 1980s Movie Characters (1-24-24)

Here are some more clues from the 1/24/2024 Jeopardy! game. Please don’t put the answers to these clues in the comments so people who missed the game can have a chance to answer them. It is okay to refer to them by category and clue value or by part of the clue.

WE ARE NEVER EVER GETTING BACK TOGETHER ($600) The Uniform Code of Military Justice says a soldier who leaves his unit with no intention of coming back is guilty of this

ART & ARTISTS ($800) (image) Here’s a self-portrait (image) of this Baroque master who didn’t make himself look too full-figured

BUSINESS TRAVEL ($800) Let’s give you the bird (word)! This rental car co. that bears its founder’s last name began with an $85,000 investment in 1946

FROM THE LATIN ($2000) From Latin for “to die”, this fifth plague in the Bible killed “all the cattle of Egypt”

The Daily Box Scores are released at 8 pm Eastern

Sneak Peek clues — BAD BLOOD
($200) In the aplastic form of this condition, AA for short, your bone marrow doesn’t make enough new blood cells
($400) In the most common form of this hereditary disease, patients lack or have low levels of clotting factor number 8
($600) Septicemia can be blood poisoning by bacteria; the body’s serious reaction to it is known by this shorter name
($800) To prevent bleeding problems due to a deficiency, newborn babies are given a shot of this vitamin vital for blood clotting
($1000) Compression stockings can help prevent a blood clot in the leg known as a deep vein this


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8 Responses

  1. Jason says:

    In the form of a question, “How can you describe Lloyd in one word?” “What is ‘annoying’, Ken?” His mannerisms were quite off-putting, to me.

    I didn’t get FJ, and should have.

  2. William says:

    Did anyone catch Lloyd’s comment about Albert Pujols??

  3. Howard says:

    Question: re the FJ from 2 years ago, what does “Mountains” have to do with the movie given as the answer?

    That was one tough FJ. I pretty much knew the QB, but unfortunately never saw the film or knew it was a Stone picture.

    Lloyd is one impressive player. Had a near runaway. His smallish DD wager in the Latin category could eventually have cost him a win if Dillon had nailed FJ.

    They left a few gettable scraps unanswered. Samson’s biblical people; the baroque master who wasn’t full-figured; and the rental car company with the bird name.

    • VJ says:

      Howard, that category was supposed to be Films of the 2000s (I just fixed it). My helper sent me the 2 years ago clue that will come up on Friday, so don’t be surprised when you see “Mountains’ again!

      I changed the clue and intended to go back and change the category but got distracted. (The No. 1 reason why I shouldn’t do things out of order)

      Thanks for pointing it out.

  4. Rick says:

    Yesterday’s FJ was a no brainer, and now this, a triple stumper. In any case, it was another great game!

  5. Collin says:

    This episode’s Jeopardy round category names were Taylor Swift-themed.

  6. Ismael Gomez says:

    And we got another triple stumper this week as we got another tough final.