Final Jeopardy: Mythology (1-21-25)

The Final Jeopardy question (1/21/2025) in the category “Mythology” was:

Some myths say the treasure of the Nibelung was hidden under a promontory called this, on the Rhine near St. Goarshausen

Today’s Champions Wildcard semifinalists are: Evan Dorey, a data analytics director from Toronto, Ontario; Jay Fisher, a government relations manager from Lisle, IL; and Will Yancey, a lecturer of history from Banquete, TX.

Round 1 Categories: Authors – State Animals – Found on Temu – Wild Card Winners – The Shape of Things – From the Dutch

Will found the Jeopardy! round Daily Double in “State Animals” under the $600 clue on the 4th pick of the round. He was in second place with $1,000, $400 less than Evan’s lead. He was half right and half right is WRONG.

It’s the state animal of Montana & California, but the California one is extinct show

Evan finished in the lead with $7,800. Will was second with $5,200 and Jay was last with negative $400. All clues were shown.

Round 2 Categories: 1925 – Before & After – The Bible – Sci-fi Acronyms & Abbreviations – Some Wear… – “B” on the Sea

Will found the first Daily Double in “The Bible” under the $800 clue on the 8th pick. He was in 2nd place with $10,800 now, $1,000 less than Evan’s lead. Will made it a true Daily Double and he was RIGHT.

In the NT we learn Peter’s brother Andrew, who also became an apostle, had previously been a disciple of this religious figure show

4 clues later, Evan landed on the last Daily Double in “‘B’ on the Sea” under the $1,600 clue. In 2nd place with $13,400, he had $9,800 less than Will’s lead. Evan made it a true Daily Double. He was RIGHT and he regained the lead.

The name of this small Middle Eastern kingdom means “the 2 seas” in Arabic show

Evan finished in the lead with $32,400. Will was next with $26,000 and Jay was in third place with $2,800. All clues were shown.

Only ONE of the contestants got Final Jeopardy! right.

WHAT IS THE LORELEI? has a lot of info about the 433 feet high slate cliff known as the Lorelei (Loreley in German) that is part of the Upper Middle Rhine Valley UNESCO World Heritage Site. The number of shipwrecks occurring in this deep and narrow area of the Rhine gave rise to a myth about a maiden whose beauty distracted sailors as she languished on the rock.

The Nibelung treasure or Rhinegold is another legend connected with the Lorelei. In 2014, however, an archaeologist found a treasure trove in a forest that “fits in with the epoch of the Nibelung legend” worth about a million. It hasn’t been officially determined to be the Rhinegold yet.

Jay had no response. He bet nothing, holding on to the $2,800 he had.

Will got it right. He doubled his score to $52,000.

Evan also had no response. He lost his $20,000 bet and finished with $12,400. So, after a fierce battle, Will Yancey became the second finalist in Champions Wildcard.

Final Jeopardy (1/21/2025) Evan Dorey, Jay Fisher, Will Yancey

A triple stumper from each round:

AUTHORS ($800) This author who has set several of his novels in New Hampshire was born in Exeter, New Hampshire, in 1942

SOME WEAR… ($2000) fedoras; others don this similar-looking hat that shares a name with a George du Maurier novel

More clues on Page 2

2 years ago: ALL of the players got this FJ in “FOREIGN-BORN AUTHORS”

In the 1950s the New York Times said this author “is writing about all lust” & his lecherous narrator “is all of us” show


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5 Responses

  1. Howard says:

    Heckuva game, daring wagers, too bad those $$ totals don’t equate to real $$. (Or do they? I thought they were just trying to play their way into the ToC, with specific $$ amounts doled out this Friday.)

    Those guys smoked me repeatedly. I bested them only on the NH author and the dental decorations. I was thinking something “cliff” for FJ promontory.

  2. Jason says:

    I was 2/3 on DD (got hung up on “Simon Magus”), and had NO IDEA for FJ. I’ve never heard of that.

    I had to salute Will for running the Bible category, though. Also, I wonder if contestants forget that the difficulty of the DD is approximately that of the money level. But, “go big or go home”!

    So, my horse, Will, is still in the race. I’m not changing horses mid-stream.

    And I’ve never (yet) seen “Gentlemen Prefer Blondes”, VJ!!

  3. Rick says:

    It became a very competitive game towards the end, but Will emerged as the champion with his correct response in FJ. As for me, I came up with ‘Rock’ almost instantly in FJ. I mean, wasn’t that what the clues were alluding to? Oh well.

  4. Kevin Cheng says:

    Jay’s score at the end of the first round with -400. Adam Levin still holds the record for the highest second place score of 27,000 going into Final Jeopardy! What a fantastic battle between Evan and Will. They were buzzing in crazy and poor Jay was caught between two buzzsaws. 52,000 is the highest payout of the season. This is too cool, for the first time ever in Champions Wildcard history, we have two Second Chance winners in the finals Drew Goins and Will Yancey.

  5. VJ says:

    I think maybe one more could have got it with an extra hint after a semicolon, like

    ; also the first name of Marilyn Monroe’s character in “Gentlemen Prefer Blondes”.

    Or maybe not. 🤣

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