Author: VJ

TCM Auction includes Cowardly Lion Costume

… and the original piano from Casablanca that Sam played “As Time Goes By” on. These are just two highlights of the classic movie memorabilia Bonhams is auctioning off at...

Spousal Privilege: Law and Order: SVU

What a strange episode “Spousal Privilege” was. Let’s start with the title. Well, no, let’s start with Ray Rice — that’s what got “ripped from the headlines” here and the...

Miss Honduras and Her Sister Murdered

The bodies of Maria Jose Alvarez and her sister, Sofia Trinidad, were found after a man named Plutarco Antonio Ruiz confessed to their murders. Maria Jose, 19, was the reigning...

Bill Cosby NBC Sitcom Deal Killed

In the wake of a torrent of sexual abuse allegations against Bill Cosby, NBC has scrapped its plan for a sitcom with the actor and comedian. The 77-year-old Cosby was...