Final Jeopardy: U.S. Cities (1-26-15)
The Final Jeopardy question (1/26/2015), in the category “U.S. Cities” was: In 1846 it had 200 people; 14 years later, thanks to a discovery, it had over 50,000 making it...
The Final Jeopardy question (1/26/2015), in the category “U.S. Cities” was: In 1846 it had 200 people; 14 years later, thanks to a discovery, it had over 50,000 making it...
In “The Two Lisas”, Frank offered Sammi in exchange for new brewery equipment from Hanzi, played by JB Blanc, because he had to fill a big order for Frank’s Milk...
In “The Two Lisas” (Shameless S5 E3 – 1/25/2015), Debbie decides to throw a party and Sheila chips in almost a whole case of Frank’s Milk of the Gods; Fiona...
Here are the Final Jeopardy questions and answers for the week of January 19th with links to the full recaps. Mon, Jan 19 – Correct answers: 0 Still around, these...
The Final Jeopardy question (1/23/2015), in the category “Rivers” was: This North Amer. river first sailed by Europeans in 1534 is named for a man who was martyred in Rome...
In the last episode, we looked at dysfunctional Amanda Rollins’ backstory and in “Padre Sandunguero”, we get into the drama that is behind our seething, explosive detective Nick Amaro (Danny...
Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah has died at the age of 90 of pneumonia on January 23, 2015, according to state media: “His Highness Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud and all...
The Final Jeopardy question (1/22/2015), in the category “Candy” was: An early ad for this candy bar featured a fleur-de-lis flag and a song with the lyrics “fun for all”...
As we headed into the finale of American Horror Story: Freak Show, Just about everyone that was left was guilty of murder, either directly or indirectly: The Tattler Twins killed...
The Final Jeopardy question (1/21/2015), in the category “Fiction” was: A line in this short story is “slowly, awkwardly trying out his feelers, which he now first learned to appreciate…”...
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