Final Jeopardy: 18th Century Notables (6-29-18)

Today’s Final Jeopardy question (6/29/2018) in the category “18th Century Notables” was:

Researchers in London & Vienna now speculate that his 1791 death was due to a strep infection, not poisoning

2x champ Scott McFadden, a librarian from Indiana, has now won $59,602. In Game 3 and the last game of the week, he takes on these two players: Ruth Payne, a law school career counselor from Virginia; and Nick Hurwitz, a writer from California.

Round 1 Categories: Birth of a Salesman – Olympic Host Cities – Multiple A’s – Historic Losers – TV Show Encyclopedias & Companions – On the Playground

Nick found the Jeopardy! round Daily Double in “TV Show Encyclopedias” under the $1,000 clue, with just the 5 clues in Historic Losers left after it. He was in second place with $4,400, $600 less than Scott’s lead. He bet $1,000 and thought it was “Gilligan’s Island.” That was WRONG.

Chapter titles in the biography of this classic comedy include “Capri Pants” & “Stumbling” show

Scott finished in the lead with $5,400. Nick was second with $3,400 and Ruth was last with $3,200.

Round 2 Categories: Death of a Salesman – From the Greek – Burnin’ Love Songs – Our Feathered Friends – Clothing in the Middle Ages – Try “Me” a River

Scott found the first Daily Double in “From the Greek” under the $2,000 clue on the 8th pick. He was in the lead with $8,200 now, $3,000 more than Ruth in second place. He bet $3,000 and he was RIGHT.

The name of this noble gas is from the Greek for “strange” show

Scott found the last Daily Double in “Try “Me” a River” under the $1,600 clue, with 6 clues to go after it. In the lead with $19,600, he had $10,000 more than Ruth in second place. He bet $3,000 again and he was RIGHT again.

A Civil War ship shares a name with this New Hampshire river. show

Scott finished in the lead with $23,000. Ruth was next with $13,600 and Nick was in third place with $4,600.

NONE of the contestants got Final Jeopardy! right.


Mozart’s death at age 35 in Vienna in 1791 led to rumors of foul play, among them that he had been poisoned. Such gossip came to the attention of Alexander Pushkin, Russian poet and playwright, who wrote a short play that has Salieri confessing to the dirty deed. Called “Mozart and Salieri”, it was published in 1830, about 5 years after Salieri’s death and would later inspire the 1984 Oscar-winning film “Amadeus.” There have also been various theories attributed to disease. In 2009, British, Dutch and Viennese researchers conducted a study based upon information from official death registers for Vienna in the winter of 1791. From that, They concluded a streptococcal infection was the likely cause of Mozart’s early demise.

Nick wrote down “someone who might have answered this question.” Alex disagreed: “Ah, I’m not sure because he would have been dead.” Nick lost his $1,000 bet and finished with $3,600.

Ruth came up with Rasputin who died in 1916. She lost $13,400, leaving her with $200.

Scott had no response but he only bet $4,201 bet so he won his 3rd match with a respectable $18,799. His 3-day total is $78,401. Scott will be back on Monday when we will be rooting for a 4th win, won’t you?

Final Jeopardy (6/29/2018) Scott McFadden, Ruth Payne, Nick Hurwitz

Reversal: MULTIPLE A’S ($1000) Blame in on the AAR, meaning average annual this. The 10th clue went like this: Ruth – return; Nick – revenue; Scott – rainfall. During the chat, Ruth and Nick gained $1,000 each when the judges decided the clue was poorly written (or perhaps, that the challengers never heard of Milli Vanilli)

A triple stumper from each round:

OLYMPIC HOST CITIES ($1000) Lake Placid’s hockey arena is now named for this coach who miraculously won gold there

BURNIN’ LOVE SONGS ($2000) This widow of the Notorious B.I.G. was “Burnin’ Up” on a track with Missy Elliot

2 years ago: ALL of the players got this FJ in “Businesses”

An 1860 ad for this business that only lasted 19 months sought “Ten or a dozen men, familiar with the management of horses” show

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11 Responses

  1. William Weyser says:

    I’m rooting for Scott McFadden to win his 4th game. We haven’t had a 4-time champion since Josh Hill, who won 7 games & won almost $165,000. By the way, I liked Nick’s response of ”Who is someone who might have answered this question?”. Nice work, Nick.

  2. Tom Clark says:

    I’m getting tired & irritated with that person here who always says things like the comment about Rasputin not being involved in classical music. Go back and read the clue, for heaven’s sake!

    I’m also tired with people who think they know enough to go on Jeopardy who misplace Rasputin in history by over 100 years.

    Well, I’m tired of everything by now, to be honest.

    • VJ says:

      Sorry to hear that you’re tired of everything, Tom, but it’s still nice to know you’re still around. I hope you at least liked the game if you watched it. I liked these clues:

      BIRTH OF A SALESMAN ($800) Born in 1914 in San Francisco, this fitness marvel & juicing guru swam handcuffed from Fisherman’s Wharf to Alcatraz

      DEATH OF A SALESMAN ($1200) This actor who played the lead in a “Salesman” revival said he saw it reduce many suit-wearing grown-up men to tears

      And I liked that Scott got them both.

  3. Louis says:

    See this is what I am talking about. We have a player on jeopardy who is calm, cool and collected like Scott Mcfadden. He came to play and was dominating throughout the game. We can see that he has a potential to be in the tournament of champions. Don’t forget about the past players with big payouts (i.E. Michael Bilow, Philip Tiu, Roger Craig, Andrew Pau and Austin Rogers) Although I commend scott for betting small this time despite not knowing Mozart, he can make a comeback next week, don’t you agree VJ? Correct me if I am wrong but do you still believe in the jealous rivals poisoning Mozart theory though? Despite the fact he died so young of the illness, was it actually alcohol or a mix of the weather that caused him to suffer such terrible fate. Plus, anyone that is a fan of the Turkish march, Toy symphony, or Eine Kleine Nachtmusik classical music should know this one.

    Also, Rasputin isn’t a classical music composer so I don’t know where that came from. Okay I think those are my two cents, we shall see if Scott can win more games next week. Shame that Nick couldn’t get much rhythm going since Scott pounced on his opponents today. Do I have all my points straightened out today or do you need me to add more?

    • VJ says:

      Well, @Lou, you’re doing that thing — putting info in the clue after the fact. Trebek does that sometimes, like on that Perth clue last week – he said Ali’s guess wasn’t bad because Darwin was in the northwest but Perth was in the southwest. But the clue didn’t say anything about the west.

      Today’s clue didn’t have anything in it about whether the person was a composer or any other occupation — just that the person was well-known in the 18th century and was believed to have been poisoned. It did rule Rasputin out though. He wasn’t born yet.

      I am rooting for Scott to win a few more games, at least on Monday.

      LINK: 11 more clues from this match

  4. John B./I. says:

    First of all congratulations to Scott. He is now # 9 on the ToC list, having won more than 10 K than Ali. I’ still sure we will see both in the ToC, probably even Marty. Scott could go on a 15 or more game winning streak and that would take out 3 weeks or more.
    Scott has even more $ than Kyle, but he won 4 games.
    This was not your usual “easy” Fri FJ, rather tough. No reference to (classical) music, composer. If the age of 35 when he died would have been in there, MAYBE. “Rasputin” was off by over 120 years, he died in the 20 century, almost 1 year before the October revolution in 1917. So J DID use a “foreign pitcher ” for a 1-2-3 strikeout to close out the week.
    @ Doris
    Congratulations for the third right guess in a row. Where do you have that magic 8 ball stashed away??? Have to stop letting you read my comments. As soon as you saw “I would not be surprised…” you shouted “NOBODY will get this !”.

    Be that as it may, have a great and safe weekend everybody and stay C O O L!! Including Hawaii we have some very hot areas in the country right now!

  5. Richard Corliss says:

    This gives Scott a 14th spot for the next Tournament of Champions.

    • John B./I. says:

      Scott is currently # 9 on the list, including the 2 tournament winners, Dhruv and Larry. Scott is just before Ali, By today’s win Scott knocked everybody a place down from # 9 on and whoever was # 15 on the ToC list is now out.