All In Quotes: Boardwalk Empire

Here are some quotes from “All In” (recap here), the fourth episode of Season 4 of Boardwalk Empire. (Supporting case here)

What’s in a name?
FBI Agent 1: Nucky, Mickey, Lolly?
FBI Agent 2: Where’s Flopsy and Mopsy?
J. Edgar Hoover: These men are murderers, gentlemen.
Owen Knox: I’ll find the weakest link in Thompson’s chain and I’ll break it.

How’m I doing boss man?
Daughter Maitland: Enjoying the show so far?
Chalky White: Your man there can play
Daughter: Last I checked there was a singer up there with him.
Chalky: Got no complaints.
Daughter: No compliments either.

Some gag, Dino:
Dean O’Banion: Eat that, Wyatt Earp.
Prank Victim: I can’t see I’m blind.
O’Banion: I almost pissed myself.
Hymie Weiss: I missed it? Goddamit.

Poker, anyone?
Arnold Rothstein: I’ll mull it downstairs over poker. I trust you’ll join me?
Nucky: Later on perhaps.
Rothstein: Good! I find you don’t really know a man until you play cards with him.
Nucky: Don’t we know each other, Arnold?
Rothstein: One would have thought so.

Keeping stuff separate:
Dunn Purnsley: Beautiful office.
Dr. Valentin Narcisse: I myself find it rather ostentatious. It belongs to Mr. Garvey who at the moment is fighting deportation.
Dunn: What’d he do?
Narcisse: He founded this organization. Am I to assume by your presence, Mr. Purnsley, that you are a Negro in need of improvement?
Dunn chuckles and lays a thick envelope on the desk.
Narcisse: You are far from home. From your broad features, Senegambia or Luangwa.
Dunn: That there green is from the powder I sell for you.
Narcisse: We agreed I see you in Atlantic City.
Dunn: Well, I thought I’d just…
Narcisse: Ignore my explicit instructions?
Dunn: No, sir, I just…
Narcisse: You are standing in the office of the Universal Negro Improvement Association, Mr. Purnsley, This is not that (casting his eyes upon the envelope).
Dunn: I just wanted to let you know, Dr….
Narcisse: It’s a shame you wasted your time, Mr. Purnsley.
Dunn; But listen…
Narcisse: Miss Walker will show you out.

Fate can also throw you a curveball
Ralph Capone: You got a package for Mr. Brown? You new?
Eddie Kessler: I have been integral to Mr. Thompson’s organization for quite some time. Good day to you.
Ralph: Is there a place besides this shithole outside the station I could eat?
Eddie: What type of fare?
Ralph: Steak, some spuds.
Eddie: Za Knife and Fork does an excellent job.
Ralph: You ain’t just no bag man, then?
Eddie: I am Mr. Thompson’s chargé d’affaires.
Eddie: Fate has a way of setting things in order, Mr. Capone. To new life…
Ralph: Call me “Bottles.”

This is going to stink:
Clayton: That one for us?
Willie Thompson: This is for my old pal Henry, my buddy.
Clayton: Castor oil?
Willie: It’s not strong enough.
Clayton: How about milk of magnesia. When we broke it down in class, I got the squirts just smelling it.
Willie: I like your thinkin’, Lincoln. We’ll make our own… we’ll whip up a batch, spike Henry’s booze and stand back.
Clayton: Way back.
Willie: Kaboom!
Clayton: Couldn’t happen to a sweller feller.

Buzz off, honeybee
Doris: Enjoying the party?
Willie; It’s okay.
Doris; You look nice.
Willie: Find someone else to flirt with.
Doris: Why not you?
Willie: I mean someone you haven’t suckered yet.
Doris: You think I was part of that?
Willie: No, you’re a babe in the woods.
Doris: Have it your way.

Place your bets:
Arnold Rothstein: I would play against me like you mean it.
Cardplayer: Says the Big Ike who’s been losing all night.
Meyer Lanksy: How about you keep your observations to yourself?
Rothstein: The gentleman’s bought a right to an opinion, Meyer.
Cardplayer: Meyer, Arnold. Arnold, Meyer. Ish Kabibble. Dibble, dabble.
Nucky Thompson: Raising $5,000.

Duppy Talk:
Dr. Narcisse: Your Mr. White. His time has past and his place uncertain.
Dunn Purnsley: Got the club. Whole Northside too.
Narcisse: Plantation run by Nordics. They’ll throw you scraps to keep you from starving but not enough to keep your belly full.
Dunn: That’s why I come. You tell me what you need down there.
Narcisse: I don’t need some Skylark n-gger, Mr. Purnsley.
Dunn: That ain’t me, sir. Never was.
Narcisse: The downfall of the Libyans, Mr. Purnsley, is what we used to call a duppy in the islands. A duppy is a vampire who sucks the blood from his people, lays them low.

Have we got a job for you:
Van Alden: It’s called Aquavit.
Frank Capone: What’s it taste like?
Van Alden: Like shit.
Frank: Tell you what… you keep busting heads for us… you’ll get the Cicero action on it. Much as you can make… Cicero’s where the action’s gonna be. Pick a winner.

You’ve got to know when to fold ‘em:
Nucky Thompson: Give Mr. Rothstein a marker for $200,000.
Arnold Rothstein: All in.
Nucky Thompson: Call.
Dealer: Flush. Queen high.
Rothstein: I figured you for a straight.
Nucky: Then you figured me wrong again.

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