Final Jeopardy: Palindromic Dates (1-28-25)
The Final Jeopardy question (1/28/2025) in the category “Palindromic Dates” was:
This 7-digit date saw the premiere of Handel’s “Water Music”
In QF #2 of the 2025 Tournament of Champions, the players are: 4x champ Amy Hummel, an ER doctor from Milwaukee, WI; 4x champ Grant DeYoung, a delivery driver from Prescott, AZ.; and 3x champ David Erb, a puzzle designer from Seattle, WA.
Round 1 Categories: World War II Facts – Foreign Words & Phrases – Noises – Pop Music’s Missing Links – Literary Swine – Uncle Ken’s Casa De Pre-owned Vehicles
Amy found the Jeopardy! round Daily Double in “World War II Facts” under the $800 clue on the 2nd pick of the round. She was in last place with negative $600, nobody else was on the board. Amy bet $1,000 and couldn’t come up with it so she was WRONG.
Force K6, made up of Muslims from the Punjab, was among British units evacuated from this French seaport in Spring 1940 show
David finished in the lead with $3,000. Grant was second with $2,800 and Amy was last with $2,200. All clues were shown.
Round 2 Categories: A Winged Category – From TV Show to Film – Let’s Keep It Above the Waist – Archaeological Discoveries – Geographic Neighbors – In Compatibility
David found the first Daily Double in “Let’s Keep it Above the Waist” under the $1,600 clue on the 5th pick of the round. He was in the lead with $5,400, $3,200 more than Amy in second place. David bet $3,000 and he was RIGHT.
Blood that’s depleted of oxygen returns to the heart via this, either superior or inferior show
Grant found the last Daily Double in “Geographic Neighbors” under the $800 clue with 7 clues left after it. He was in last place with $800, $6,400 less than David’s lead. Grant bet $2,000 and he was RIGHT.
It’s about a 30-mile drive on the A4 between these 2 Dutch cities named for their locations along rivers show
David finished in the lead with $7,200. Amy was second with $6,600 and Grant was last with $3,200. All clues were shown.
NONE of the contestants got Final Jeopardy! right.
WHAT IS 7/17/1717 ?
“Water is the inspiration for art, poetry and music,” say Larry A. Nielsen on Today in Conservation. So he chose July 17, 1717 to represent the link between water and art, the date that German-British Baroque composer George Frideric Handel first performed “Water Music” (German: Wassermusik), a collection of orchestral movements he composed at the behest of Britain’s King George I. While the King and his entourage sailed along the River Thames on his Royal Barge, Handel and his musicians performed “Water Music” on a second barge, 3 times over several hours!
The date of the event (7/17/1717), the article concludes, is “a palindrome to make numerologists salivate”–and Jeopardy! cluewriters, we might add.
Grant wrote down 1/17/1771. He lost $2,801 and finished with $399.
Amy had 1/17/1717. She lost $199 and finished with $6,401.
David went 1/12/17. He lost $6,001 and finished with $1,199. That made Amy Hummel this game’s winner and a semifinalist.
2 triple stumpers from GEOGRAPHIC NEIGHBORS:
($1600) Eastern Greece, southern Bulgaria & western this country come together at a point a few miles from Edirne
($2000) It’s about a 90-mile jaunt across the Torres Strait from the Northern tip of Queensland to this big island
2 years ago: NONE of the players got this FJ in “U.S. STATE NAMES”
5 U.S. states have 6-letter names; only these 2 west of the Mississippi River border each other show
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A most underwhelming game; even more so, considering it’s the ToC. Grant took a real shot at his personal record of 11 misses, but his surge from -4400 to +3200 was admirable. Amy wagered in FJ to lock him out but not enough to win if David wagered small. The clues were quite difficult overall. I did manage to get the last two DDs but not Final.
Got the haunted NY house; the Nader car; the Tony namesake (no way were they going to get that one). I liked knowing the 5 foreign phrases, a bright spot on a dark night.
You said everything I came here to say, buddy. Underwhelming. I got those same 3 that you specified. I’m surprised that they didn’t mention “Unsafe At Any Speed” for Nader.
That FJ was just goofy.
And I totally forgot it was palindromic, so I had no sense of direction on FJ. Able was I ere I saw Elba.
A man, a plan, a canal – Panama!
Amy’s low wager in FJ had paid off handsomely for her as she emerged the champion. Congratulations Amy! As for me, I did about average in the game. Regarding the FJ, I had no idea whatsoever (as it was again a tough one).
Very tough day for the contestants as we got another triple stumper in the final. Palindromic Dates was also a tough final.
Today’s game was a tough material. All three players played very poorly as the material was so tough and low-scoring game. Grant picked up a whopping 10 incorrect including Final as he kept guessing. He also picked up 11 correct in his original run but still won his 4th game. This game was similar to exactly three months ago today which was October 29, 2024 when all three players also played poorly with difficult game material and low-scoring game. Ugly Tuesday game again with low scores and lots of triple stumpers.
We’ll try to do better tomorrow. Hopefully, someone will get a right response in FJ!, and hopefully, my day tomorrow will be Less Frustrating/More Fun. At least, 1 good thing happened today. My pick won.
11 INcorrect, per his interview tonight.
I was intrigued by that clue about Bulgaria, Greece and the city of Edirne in the third county and I found a YouTube of a couple cycling along that route so you really see what it looks like. I thought it was pretty cool. You see the sign for Edirne at the end (13:36)