Final Jeopardy! Clues from the 2024 Quarterfinals

Here are the Final Jeopardy questions and answers for the quarterfinals of the 2024 Tournament of Champions, including links to the first 3 matches that were not shown last week.

Fri, February 23 – Correct answers: 1 (out of 2 left in FJ!)
FRENCH AUTHORS: Trained as a priest & a physician, in 1532 he published his first novel under the pen name Alcofribas Nasier show

Mon, February 26 – Correct answers: 1
ART HISTORY: The Royal Academy of Arts has this man’s “La Fornarina” & in the 1800s the RAA’s love of him made some artists retreat to an earlier style show

Tue, February 27 – Correct answers: 3
MILITARY HISTORY: A prototype of this craft was deployed in August 1955; it made headlines in May 1960 show

Wed, February 28 – Correct answers: 0
1950s POLITICS: In 1959 Bob Bartlett & Hiram Fong each won a coin flip to gain this alliterative title show

Thu, February 29 – Correct answers: 1
WORLD TRAVEL: The name of this service that began Nov. 14, 1994 echoes the Étoile du Nord, which linked Paris, Brussels & Amsterdam from 1927 show

Fri, March 1 – Correct answers: 0 (out of 2 left in FJ!)
COUNTRIES OF THE WORLD: Fearful of independence in 1975, around 120,000 of this country’s people, a third of the population, fled to the Netherlands show

Mon, March 4 – Correct answers: 2
POETS OF ANCIENT ROME: Far from Rome, this first century poet wrote, “The leader’s anger done, grant me the right to die in my native country” show

Tue, March 5 – Correct answers: 0 (out of 2 left in FJ!)
CHEMICAL ELEMENTS: Isolated in 1945 during uranium fission research, it was named for an ancient deity to suggest humans gaining a new power show

The rerun of Quarterfinal #9 will air on Monday, 8/5/24

Wed, March 6 – show



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