Final Jeopardy Clues: 5-20-24 to 5-24-24

Here are the Final Jeopardy questions and answers for the week of May 20 through May 24, 2024.

Mon, May 20 – Correct answers: 2
THE THEATER: Of the 14 roles in a production of this play that opened on Broadway on October 28, 2004, none were played by females show

Tue, May 21 – Correct answers: 3
THE MOVIES: Louise & Lisa Burns, twins featured in this 1980 film, told a magazine, “We’re naturally spooky!” show

Wed, May 22 – Correct answers: 1
COUNTRIES’ LANGUAGES: About 70% of its people can speak Portuguese; about 20% can speak Umbundu, 8% Kikongo & 8% Kimbundu show

Thu, May 23 – Correct answers: 1
ARTWORK: Rembrandt’s only seascape is set here, where the main figure once said, “Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith?” show

Fri, May 24 – Correct answers: 2
LITERATURE: Preserved in a single manuscript called Cotton MS Vitellius A XV, this epic begins with the word “Hwaet”, often translated as listen show

The first two Final Jeopardy! clues were definite softballs but The Movies clue on Tuesday was the only one everybody got right. Only one person knew the Countries’ Languages FJ! and only one knew the Artwork FJ! The clue in Artwork was actually a Bible clue in disguise and, in a shocking twist, that may have been what cost the only player to get it right the game. Meantime, that Languages clue was partially based on geography. I can’t be the judge of which one was harder, because I got them both right away.

Grant DeYoung won $14,001 in his 4th game on Monday for a 4-day total of $81,203. On Tuesday, Grant lost to Chris D’Amico who won $25,100. Amar Kakirde took over on Wednesday and, in a familiar pattern by now, was a 3x champ by the end of the week. He has won $41,399 so far.

The total for Jeopardy! champs this week was $80,500 plus
$25,000 to the runners-up. That was actually less than last week’s winners made!

Here is Ellen Klages to tell you the Saga of the Scary Ham, in what is likely to be the Top Chat Story of 2024.

More videos on Jeopardy!’s YouTube channel

Final Jeopardy Clues: 5-13 to 5-17-24


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