Master Minds Recap: March 31, 2023

Here’s a recap of the clues on Master Minds (Season 3) for Friday, March 31, 2023. This is a rerun of the game that originally aired on January 17, 2023.

Today’s episode title: “Trivia, Smarts & The Breakfast Club”
Today’s Master Minds: Mark “The Beast” Labbett, Muffy Marracco, Jonathan Corbblah
Today’s challengers: Thomas, Brian, Martina

The show’s format pits 3 contestants against each other and 3 Master Minds against each other. There are 3 rounds and the contestant with the highest score wins $1,000 and faces off in the Ultimate Trivia Challenge against the winning Master Mind. If the contestant beats the Master Mind, the prize money goes up to $10,000.

Round 1: Here are the 7 categories and questions. 100 points for each correct answer.

(1) FOOD: Which of these will sink in a glass of water?
(a) apple (b) lemon (c) lime
(2) ASTRONOMY: The constellation Cygnus is associated with the depiction of what animal?
(a) swan (b) horse (c) boar
(3) ART: With more than 1,100 pieces reported missing, which artist’s work is the most stolen in the world?
(a) Andy Warhol (b) Marc Chagall (c) Pablo Picasso
(4) ORGANIZATIONS: After over 100 years of aviation, what military branch welcomed its first black female tactical jet pilot in 2020?
(a) Army (b) Navy (c) Air Force
(5) ANIMALS: While hunting, the platypus uses a sixth sense that detects what?
(a) infrared radiation (b) electric fields (c) carbon dioxide
(6) HISTORY: Planned as a state capital by James Doty, which city’s original streets were named for signers of the Constitution?
(a) Madison, WI (b) Boston, MA (c) Philadelphia, PA
(7) ENTERTAINMENT: “Library Revolution” & “The Lunch Bunch” were early titles proposed for what movie?
(a) “The Music Man” (b) “The Breakfast Club” (c) “Animal House”


Scores at end of Round 1:
Thomas 500 Brian 400 Martina 300 / The Beast 500 Muffy 700 Jonathan 500

Continue with the original recap

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