Master Minds Recap: April 8, 2020

Here’s a recap of the clues on Master Minds for Wednesday, April 8, 2020 with host Brooke Burns.

Today’s episode title: “Trivia Smarts & Bite Sized Candies”
Master Minds: Ken Jennings, Muffy Marracco and Jonathan Corbblah
Challengers: Jay, Lynda, Sunkrish

The show’s format pits 3 contestants against each other and 3 Master Minds against each other. There are 3 rounds and the contestant with the highest score wins $1,000 and faces off in the Ultimate Trivia Challenge against the winning Master Mind. If the contestant beats the Master Mind, the prize money goes up to $10,000.

Round 1: Here are the 7 categories and questions. 100 points for each correct answer.

(1) CUISINE: Named for a French author and statesman, traditional Chateaubriand is a recipe for preparing what type of meat?
(a) quail (b) rabbit (c) beef
(2) MINES: Chile’s El Teniente is the world’s largest underground mine for what ore, prized for its conductivity?
(a) platinum (b) copper (c) iron
(3) TRAVEL: On opening day in 1955, a one-day adult admission to Disneyland cost how much?
(a) $1.00 (b) $5.00 (c) $10.00
(4) CANDY: The ‘M’s on M&M candies stand for Murrie and who?
(a) Mike (b) Mars (c) Mounds
(5) E: Which came first– Faith, Hope or Charity?
(a) Old Faithful discovered (b) Bob Hope born (c) United Way Charity founded
(6) FINANCE: What company founded in 1929 is listed on the NASDAQ with the stock symbol, ‘HA’?
(a) Hamilton Beach (b) Halliburton (c) Hawaiian Airlines
(7) COMMUNICATION: A language of the Canary Islands, how is ‘Silbo Gomero’ communicated?
(a) with hand gestures (b) with whistles (c) only in ancient written form


Scores at end of Round 1:
Jay 400 Lynda 600 Sunkrish 200 / Ken 500 Muffy 600 Jonathan 500

Round 2: There are 5 subjects and questions. No multiple choice. Only the first player on each team to buzz in gets to answer. Correct answers are worth 200 points for the first 4. The last question is worth 400 points. Wrong answers are penalized by the value of the question. At the end of the round, the person with the lowest score on each team is eliminated.

(1) GEOGRAPHY: If Dorothy from “The Wizard of Oz’ was going to her home state’s capital, what city would she be visiting?
(2) PHONETICS: The hissing sound that is heard when the letter ‘S’ is spoken is known by what term?
(3) THE BIBLE: In the Gospel of John, who is raised from the dead after being entombed for four days?
(4) OPERA: In the name of the operatic character Cio-Cio-San, the Japanese word ‘cio-cio’ refers to what type of insect?
(5) ANATOMY: What joint in the human body contains the medial malleolus?


Scores at end of Round 2:
Jay 400 Lynda 600 Sunkrish 600 / Ken 1100 Muffy 800 Jonathan 900

Jay and Muffy are eliminated.

Round 3: Each team faces off in a 1-minute trivia battle. The first question is worth 500 points and each additional question goes up an additional 100 points. The winners go on to the last round.

Lynda and Sunkrish go first:

(500) What type of cheese takes its name from the capital of Italy?
(600) Born in 1928, what diminutive sexpert was once a highly skilled sniper?
(700) What foundation sends .05% of a product’s price to a charity of the purchaser’s choice?
(800) Since 1962, what medieval pastime has been the official sport of Maryland?
(900) What animal and college mascot is the largest member of the weasel family?
(1000) Leonardo da Vinci is known to have written in his notebooks using what peculiar style?
(1100) What one-word term is used for a bicycle built for two?
(1200) Someone who is Flemish by birth is a native of what modern country?


Scores at end of Round 3:
Lynda 7400 Sunkrish 600

Lynda wins $1,000 and advances to the Ultimate Trivia Challenge. But first, Jonathan and Ken will battle it out for a minute to see who joins Lynda.

(500) Often used in home decor, granite is classified as which of the three basic types of rock?
(600) Who is the current Duke of Cornwall?
(700) Mathematically speaking, how much is 10 to the sixth power?
(800) Accepted as canon by food historians, Chef Henry Low invented the egg roll in what country?
(900) Although she only served for 24 hours, Rebecca Latimer Felton was the first woman to hold what Federal office?
(1000) Thanks to a 16th century law, which vehicles in Venice must be black?
(1100) The fourth action of the Hokey Pokey dance is to do what?


Jonathan finished with 4300 to Ken’s 2700 so Jonathan will join Lynda in the Ultimate Trivia Challenge. If Lynda beats Jonathan, she will return on the next show. Any player who makes it through 3 shows and wins $30,000, gets to join the Master Minds expert team.

Ultimate Trivia Challenge: The questions are now presented to the players individually and they say their answers out loud. (In the old format, they sat side-by-side and wrote down their answers.)

(1) What country has more pyramids than any other in the world?
(2) What does a vexillologist study?
(3) Because it sounds similar to the Mandarin word for ‘death’, what one digit number causes many Chinese to be wary of it?
(4) What NYC riots were named for the Greenwich Village club where they occurred in 1969?
(5) The seal of which U.S. cabinet department features a scale and a key?

ANSWERS: (unless otherwise indicated, both were correct)

Lynda and Jonathan were tied at 3 right apiece so Lynda got to play the Ultimate Trivia Question. She does not have to beat Jonathan on this one. She just has to get it right.

For $10,000: ULTIMATE TRIVIA QUESTION: What Iowa city on the Mississippi was named for the distinguished chief of the Sac and Fox tribes?

ANSWER: show

(Lynda: Des Moines)

Lynda is going home with $1,000 and there will be 3 new players tomorrow.

Master Minds airs daily on Game Show Network. Check your local listings for times. (Here in the Central Time Zone it comes on at 3:00 p.m.)

See the pool of trivia experts participating in Master Minds

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7 Responses

  1. Rachel says:

    Has anyone seen Castle? Sunkrish looks exactly like Vikram from the show and they share a name…

    • VJ says:

      Hi Rachel, wow — that’s a very unique name!! I don’t watch Castle but just looked up an interview with Sunkrish Bala on youtube . Unfortunately, I can only go by my memory for the contestant because that episode got deleted off my DVR. From what I remember, the resemblance is amazing but, in my mind the contestant seems younger.

  2. rhonda says:

    Mon dieu, I stopped after reading the first question, shiver me timbers.

  3. JJ says:

    Keokuk?! That was tough question…

    • VJ says:

      Yes, indeed. That’s one thing that hasn’t changed — it’s hard to win practically to the point of unfairness. You have to wonder how many Master Minds would have got that one.

      • JJ says:

        As a FYI, my wife typically goes to bed around 9:45 ET, so I watch this show after she retires and before i crash for the night. The AWESOME thing is, I don’t have to take any notes to use for future questions for my trivia nights cuz I know that you have that covered for me when I check out FF in the morning! 😋

      • JP says:

        I’m from Iowa originally, and am familiar with the town, and may have gotten it if i spent more time thinking before revealing the response. J-archive has it as a response 1 time, a bottom row clue that was a triple stumper, in 1988.