Julia Collins Jeopardy Promo

Here is Jeopardy’s promo for Julia Collins’ 11th game that will take place on Monday, May 19th.

If she wins, she will tie Arthur Chu’s record of winning 11 games (but not his $$). Kinda funny that it seems like more people are rooting for Julia to win more games than just that 11th one. Yet she’s not getting an eleventh of the publicity that Chu got during his run!


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6 Responses

  1. William K says:

    “Kinda funny that it seems like more people are rooting for Julia to win more games than just that 11th one. Yet sheโ€™s not getting an eleventh of the publicity that Chu got during his run!”

    It’s a sad fact about publicity that “flashy”, whether it’s in a positive sense or not so positive, is what grabs headlines.

    On the one hand, the Jeopardy audience regulars generally have their favorites and Julia is right in the wheelhouse for that honor, but someone like Arthur Chu gets attention, both good and bad, for his slashing style of play. Arthur’s method was an aggressive, board jumping attack in search of Daily Doubles and he was not afraid to risk large sums in many cases.

    In the Jeopardy culture of civility Chu’s style made him a villain. In his defense he showed a great deal of poise, particularly in the heat of the moment when a juicy sum was placed on the table to be won or lost.

    Personally, I had very little beef with Arthur Chu but I did tire of him a bit at the moment when he got visibly annoyed for being ruled against on a mispronunciation that he had clearly faulted on –it was a 5,000 dollar Daily Double in which Chu answered very noticeably, “Frances McDarmand”.

    Sure, Arthur could have been perhaps a bit more tactful in some respects, but I thought he was within the unspoken Jeopardy rules of personal protocol from my perspective. Frankly, Andrew Moore played a similar slashing style last season, and I found him less likeable than Arthur Chu.

    Bottom line for me: My internal “Jeopardy fairness monitor” tends to pull for players who, in various ways, show that they have a solid Jeopardy aptitude, which crucially includes sound wagering skills. Nonetheless, once the qualified player has made it to likely TOC status I generally prefer to see their run end relatively soon so they aren’t hogging up winnings, especially if the evidence suggests that they are already comfortably wealthy beyond their Jeopardy winnings.

    For example, see the wiki entry for Julia Collins’ Kenilworth, IL, “village” of residence:


    Kenilworth is a village in Cook County, Illinois, United States, 15 miles (24 km) north of downtown Chicago. As of the 2010 census it had a population of 2,513. It is the newest of the nine suburban North Shore communities bordering Lake Michigan, and is the only one developed as a planned community. Kenilworth has a reputation as being the wealthiest and the most exclusive community in the Midwest. In January 2011, Forbes.com ranked Kenilworth as the second most affluent neighborhood in the United States, naming it “the most exclusive neighborhood in the Midwest, with estimated median household income of $247,000. Even after the housing slump the average house in Kenilworth sells for about $1 million.”

    P.S. I looked up Kenilworth on a whim, since I couldn’t place it on my mental map (geography is a personal speciality). Eye opening info it seemed to me.

    • vj says:

      William, I was idly wondering how old Julia is and remembered that Trebek asked Arthur Chu how old he was on the air toward the end of his run, but I figured that Trebek isn’t going to ask Julia. Looking it up led me to this article in the Chicago Tribune and apparently, her family’s home is in Kenilworth, but she actually lives in the community of Wilmette.

    • william k says:

      Good article link, vj. Thanks!

      In regards to Jeopardy players, like anyone I’ll have ones I prefer for various reasons, but I have to say that I prefer to keep my criticisms/praises somewhat discreet, if only for the fact that I don’t like to see a popularity contest breaking out.

      It’s all too easy to glom onto people we see on tv, but the flip side, ease of venom displayed for “villains” whom we equally don’t know should argue for caution.

      Between you and me, the thing that makes me a bit hesitant about jumping on the Julia Collins bandwagon is the intuition I had that she was a “star pupil” –which has been fleshed out with the bits of biography we’ve seen (shades of Tiger Woods syndrome, perhaps). Again, nothing personal against Julia, but I like my nerds a bit more naturally grown and cultivated perhaps!


    • vj says:

      That high school she went to before she transferred to an East Coast boarding school has quite a list of notable alumni. Just a few… Ann-Margret, Charlton Heston, Donald Rumsfeld, Christie Hefner.

      Hugh O’Brian, TV’s 1950s Wyatt Earp, went there too, but like Julia, transferred out.

    • william k says:


      As Elmer Fudd might put it, “Vewwy vewwy inwesting.”


  2. Tom Clark says:

    I guess it’s analogous to Jack the Ripper being more famous than his victims …