Terrell Owens Cut by His Own Indoor Football League Team

In this week’s installment of “Oh, How the Mighty Have Fallen” we have six time all pro wide receiver Terrell Owens being cut by the Allen Wranglers (of Allen, Texas) for  “lack of effort both on and off the field”.  The kicker is that Owens is also a part owner of the team.  The 38 year old Owens, who had his best years in the NFL as a member of the San Francisco 49ers, last played in the NFL in 2010 with the Cincinnati Bengals.

It seems that while Owens played for the Wranglers, he didn’t help promote the team like he was supposed to do, and his lack of effort when he did play was was noticeable by both fans and team officials.  For some reason, Owens decided he wouldn’t play in two upcoming road games.  Yeah, that always goes over well with the coaches.  Owens also skipped a team appearance at a children’s hospital.  Lovely.

This hasn’t been a good month for Owens.  Earlier, he appeared on the Dr. Phil Show to try and explain to the three mothers of three of his four children why he is uninvolved in the kid’s lives (no Christmas gifts, rarely stopping by to see them) and why he quit paying child support.  We’re guessing he doesn’t have the money, and getting cut by a relatively low paying Indoor League team doesn’t help, so good luck getting blood out of a turnip, ladies.

For some reason, Owens still thinks he can play in the NFL, but so far no team has wanted to take a chance on Owens and all his baggage.  He held a workout last October to convince teams he was still able to play, but no one from the NFL showed up.

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