Tagged: clue watch


Spoiler Talk: CotD (Fri)

Here is the NY Times Clue of the Day for Friday’s game. If you know it (or even if you don’t), you can make a prediction on how many players...


Spoiler Talk: CotD (Wed)

It’s time for a look at the NY Times Clue of the Day for Wednesday’s game. This clue may be today’s Final Jeopardy! If you know it (or even if...


Jeopardy Spelling Decisions

Here are two collections of words that have been misspelled in Final Jeopardy! The first set shows spelling mistakes that were acceptable to the judges and the second shows spelling...

$2,000 Jeopardy! Clues (9/30-10/4/24)

We’re always looking at the clues the Jeopardy! contestants miss during the week. Let’s take a look at some of the clues they got for a change. These 10 clues...

Who Was Thomas Mann?

Thomas Mann was a German writer, journalist, and literary critic. He was born on 6/6/1875, in the Free City of Lübeck in the German Empire and died on 8/12/1955 in...

Characters in the Song of Roland

How many characters do you know from the Song of Roland, the national epic poem of France? This epic is the story of the Battle of Roncesvalles. Turold or Turoldus...

21st Century Monarchy Changes

Not up to date on all the monarchy changes in the last 19 years? Here is a list of current monarchs whose reign began in the 21st century, with a...

Jeopardy Triple Stumpers

15 Triple Stumpers from July 2016

Even if you saw the July 15, 2016 Jeopardy! match, it’s unlikely that you will remember any of these 15 clues that stumped all the players. That was 7 years ago!