Supporting Cast: Occupy Fiona – Shameless
Here are some of the actors and actresses who appeared in Shameless, Episode 7, Season 8 (12-18-17): The recap of the episode is here.

TMI, lady. I’m gonna go get my tools now.
Richard Flood played Ford, the Irish guy who offered to fix Fiona’s 19th-century Victorian cherry pocket door with hand-applied carvings for nothing. No wonder she thinks he’s weird. Why didn’t he just take it out and sell it himself? Oh, yeah, so he can stick around and become Fiona’s next man. He already knows her whole life story.

Let’s Stanley Kubrick this sh*t.
Sammi Hanratty played Kassidi, the wild child who helped Carl get the balance of his military tuition by getting her father to pay a ransom. She refused to go home after it was paid and guess what? She’s going to be in every episode till the end of this season, according to her IMDB profile. Will Carl even make it back to military school now that he is on the menu of this Venus Flytrap?

You probably didn’t even finish third grade!
Charlie Schlatter played the imperious Dr. Dick, who lorded his superior status as the Head of Urology over lowly parking lot attendant Debbie. We all meet clowns like this in real life and most of us just let karma take its course. The thing with that is you’re rarely around to see it happen. That’s why we love it when we can see a guy like Dr. Dick get his comeuppance in spades. Debbie was so right that it was 100% worth it to see the look on his face.

Throw the book at him, Your Honor.
Sophia Santi played Blanca Rodriguez, the victim of Professor Youens’ (Alan Rosenberg) drunk driving. He drove his car into her house but she wasn’t physically hurt. She obviously decided to pretend she was with the neck brace and all. We don’t know much Spanish so we don’t know what Blanca was telling the judge. The most we could make out was that Youens is the devil. But Youens must have understood because after she testified, he said “I’m going to jail for the rest of my life.”

Is he talking about this guy?
Steven W. Bailey played Feehan, Youens’ attorney. At this point, they are listening to Lip’s moving and articulate testimony in support of Youens, who looked proud of Lip. Feehan looked like he couldn’t believe Lip was talking about his client. Youens showed the court who was right.

At least they didn’t laugh at Frank’s resume
Vince Melocchi played Bill, the Lumber Lot manager, and Peanut Alvarez was Lexy, interviewing Frank for a job at Smith & Colin Flooring (their prices will floor you). Frank thought he was overqualified for the graveyard shift at Lumber Lot and Lexy thought Frank wasn’t qualified for anything, even though he reminded her of her Grandpoppy. So it’s back to hustling for Frank. He’s on his way to Canada and we’ll find out what that’s aboot next week.
Other Notes:
- Charlie must be using drugs again or Sierra wouldn’t have been looking so wistfully after Lip in the diner. Of course, she could try to go out there and find herself a guy who isn’t battling with an addiction, right?
- Maybe we were a little hard on Brad in the recap, but we’ve always liked Professor Youens. Brad was right though. If it was anyone else, Lip would agree that guy should be in jail. Still, we hope Youens will be such a model prisoner, they’ll cut his time. Meantime, Lip needs to learn that his sobriety depends upon no one but himself.
Also in Episode 7, Season 8
Main Cast:
William H. Macy – Frank Gallagher
Emmy Rossum – Fiona Gallagher
Jeremy Allen White – Lip Gallagher
Cameron Monaghan – Ian Gallagher
Emma Kenney – Debbie Gallagher
Ethan Cutkowsky – Carl Gallagher
Christian Isaiah – Liam
Series Regulars:
Steve Howie – Kevin Ball
Shanola Hampton – Veronica Fisher
Jim Hoffmaster – Kermit
Michael Patrick McGill – Tommy
More Guest and Co-Stars:
Richard Flood – Ford
Juliette Angelo – Geneva
Scott Michael Campbell – Brad
Elliot Fletcher – Trevor
Ruby Modine – Sierra
Jessica Szohr – Nessa
Bertila Damas – Judge Hara
Johnny Alexander – Davis
Ian Bedford – Kassidi’s father
Darshan Bhatt – Colin
Lucien Cambric – Jemeel
Lisa Canning – Aditi Harman
O’Neil Cespedes – Jalen
John Farmanesh-Bocca – Akram
Robert Maffia – Cal
Heather Olt – Nadine
Melissa Paladino – Cami
Marty Ryan – Rick
Ben Zelevansky – Jordan
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