Spoiler Talk: CotD (Mon)
Here’s Monday’s peek at the NY Times Clue of the Day. This clue may be today’s Final Jeopardy! If you know it (or even if you don’t), you can make a prediction on how many players will get it right and/or leave a hint on the right answer BEFORE 11:15 A.M. CENTRAL (And, yes, we are all aware that the results are sometimes put up earlier elsewhere, but we play fair here).
Take Your Lumps: No late predictions. No changing predictions. No exceptions.
If you don’t want to read comments about the answer to the clue, READ NO FURTHER. Otherwise, click on the link below to see the clue, and fire away! (Check the comments around 7 a.m. Central if Jeopardy.com is not up to date)
Clue of the Day
FYI, we don’t reveal the answer outright. We just hint at it. However, it is okay to give possible wrong answers.
Alert: The first 8 words of our comments show up on the homepage sidebar, so prefacing any hint with a short observation is the best way to go.
All comments and predictions on the CotD posts are deleted after about a week, so be fearless! Any comments with the actual answer will be deleted right away.
An Old Category: The name of this category was WITH “LOVE”; it was in the last round of the match that aired on 5/28/1999.
$200: In 1834 Xavier Jouvin’s “hand”y cutting device allowed mass production of these fashion accessories
$400: Things went smoother for him aboard Apollo 8 in ’68 than Apollo 13 in ’70
$600: Despite it’s suicidal name, you’ll feel exalted at this site on Lookout Mountain near Chattanooga, Tennessee
$800: Completes the title of Alan Paton’s acclaimed novel “Cry, The…”
$1000: Endangered shorebird seen here
Today’s Quote: If you can’t tolerate critics, don’t do anything new or interesting ~ Jeff Bezos
FRIDAY’S PREDICTIONS: jk and VJ were right that everyone would get “Roots”
Early Spoiler results are usually updated around 12 p.m. Central.
Channeling my inner Glen Campbell…By the time I got to “this city” …it was way too late. I agree that connecting rising from the ashes is way to go. Will anyone get there in time? I think it’s the only way to go. I’ll say 0/3
I think the only chance they’ve got is with the reborn part of the clue. Connecting that to rising from the ashes is the way to go. I got around to it too late.
I’ll also try ONE right. I wonder if someone will go with the Baldwin bros.
In a odd coincidence, the brother that died at age 23 had a role as a kid in Celebrity, the miniseries I mentioned last week. It was his 2nd role and he played the 11-year-old son of the actor Joseph Bottoms. How weird is that, when Bottom was the last name he was born with?
I had no guess on this one. I knew the two most famous brothers in this family, but I didn’t know there was a wider acting family. I’ll say 1/3.