Ray Donovan Recap: The 1-3-2

Ray found himself between the hammer and the anvil in “The 1-3-2”, right along with Mac McGrath who was already in way over his head. On a trip with Terry and Daryll, Bunchy got a sign from God in Boston and Mickey was trying to get out of the country when he saw his face plastered on the front page of the news!

Mac, next time it’s the evidence or I’m reading you your rights ~ Emerson Lake

Mac McGrath begged for a few more days to get the goods on Mayor Feratti and the “cops in his pocket” when Emerson Lake wasn’t happy with Mac’s wire surveillance so far. Lake warned Mac that he better get some evidence this time or he would have to agree with his colleagues that the best thing to do would be to arrest Mac “very publicly, then watch the cockroaches scatter.”

I’m trying to save your life ~ Mac McGrath

Meantime, Ray spent the night in Staten Island as a guest at the 1-3-2, locked in a basement cell by Rad and Danny Bianchi. The gruesome twosome showed up in the morning to inform Ray that his cooperation was required to tank Anita Novak’s campaign. Never one to cooperate, Ray told them where to go. That got him tasered. They sent Mac McGrath in to talk some sense into Ray but Ray still refused. Mac lied to Rad and said Ray would throw in with them. If not, Mac promised to take Ray out. He wanted a seat at Mayor Feratti’s table as his reward “if Ray delivers.”

Fetu Autufuga ring a bell? ~ Emerson Lake

Emerson Lake was listening in to every conversation Mac had with anyone. He got a hold of Ray and told him he wanted Ray to cooperate with the bad guys. If Feratti won the election, that was only the battle, not the war. He said that eventually he would arrest Feratti and his crew, Ray’s family would be safe and Arthur Kill Prison would go up for auction, making Sam Winslow happy. As an added incentive, he dropped that line about Fetu Autufuga, the big Samoan guy Ray bumped off (although Lake can’t possibly know that).

Ray made me do it ~ Daryll Donovan

Bunchy was hanging out with Terry, talking about their mother, until Bunchy said he was going to turn himself in. Terry thought that was a horrible plan and talked him into taking a day trip to Boston to visit the graves of their mother and sister. As they were leaving, Daryll showed up. He said that Jay White had to spend a month in rehab because cocaine and PTSD don’t mix. They took him along on the trip. Bunchy told Daryll that everything that was happening now was his fault because he shot Frank Barnes and pinned it on Mickey. After the visit to the cemetery, they went to a bar and got in a big brawl with some drunken guys who were razzing them over Daryll’s Dodgers cap. It was a real Walt Kowalski moment. “Ever notice how you come across somebody once in a while you shouldn’t have bleeped with?” That’s the Donovan brothers.

When you’re in a tight spot, you get creative ~ Mickey Donovan

Mickey could only get a late night ticket to Buffalo. He went off to shop for a disguise at W & Y Chung Traders, Inc., purveyors of luxury wigs and hairpieces. The much younger gay clerk thought Mickey’s choice took 20 years off him. Mickey wanted to buy all the clothes the man had on and he was willing to sell them for “$1,000 and a date.” Mickey had to decline and pay $1,500. The whole conversation was amusing but not as good as Mickey’s next stop.

It’s some old dude. Looks like the guy from Boogie Nights ~ Smitty

The dirty cops were watching Bridget’s place so Lena went over and set a car on fire to distract them. She took Bridget to Ray’s and Mickey showed up at her place just when she got a a hold of Smitty. Bridget told Smitty not to answer the door but he did anyway. Bridget thought he meant the man at the door looked like Mark Wahlberg when he mentioned Boogie Nights but Smitty said Burt Reynolds, only taller. Bridget did not want to talk to her fugitive grandfather but Mickey demanded the phone from Smitty. Mickey just wanted to tell her that he was leaving and might never see her again and that he loved her. He congratulated Smitty when informed he was Bridget’s fiance and asked him to tell Bridget that he was sorry he wasn’t a better grandfather. Smitty is such a punk. He’s still dealing drugs and we have to wonder why Ray doesn’t tell his daughter. That’s going to be another thing she will feel betrayed about when she does find out.

You’re gonna be the lead guest on Robbi’s show ~ Ray Donovan

It was of course the conversation with Emerson Lake that led Ray to get Justine’s brother arrested for possession so that he could blackmail her into appearing on TV and admitting that the Central Park attack was all a fake that she was paid $50,000 for. Lena, Justine’s girlfriend, Anita Novak, the fake hero and Sam Winslow, who Ray set that all up for, had no advance notice of this turn of events. They all got to watch it on TV. Anita’s campaign going down in flames wasn’t enough for Mayor Feratti, Mac soon learned. Hizzoner wanted Justine to name Sam Winslow as the person who paid her.

The episode wound down with Ray going home to a disappointed Lena and a disgusted Bridget who wondered how many miles she would have to put between her and Ray to get away from all this. Ray got drunk and when he woke up a man was sitting there watching him. He staggered to his feet only to get punched square in the face and knocked out.

Mickey bumped into a cop at the station. He covered the officer’s face with his hand and knocked him down. Then he took off up the escalator and knocked some guy down it and made his escape into the night.

After the bar brawl, Bunchy went to the Catholic church where he served as an altar boy in his youth and was repeatedly abused by Father Danny. He fell on his knees before the crucifix and poured out all his emotional turmoil and asked the Lord to show him one thing, insisting that he deserved it. There was no immediate response and he dissolved into a “I hate you so much” litany. Terry came in and put his hand on Bunchy’s shoulder. When Bunchy finally went outside, his plea was answered! There was Aunt Sandy– yes, she who absconded with the $3 million dollars– getting into a car. To someone like Bunchy, this would definitely be considered a response from the Almighty.

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