Oct 15th: Fast Money Round
Fast Money Questions: Beverly and Darnisha were the Fast Money players today. Here’s how they did.
1. On the scale of 1-10, how much do you need a makeover?
2. Give me a word rhyming with candy.
3. Name some place where people drop things off.
4. Name something you need to get the party started.
5. Which country does the shirt on your back came from?
No. 1 Answers: show
Total for Beverly and Darnisha: 181.
Game 2: Jay and Lisa
1. We asked 100 men, on a scale of 1-10, how much does it bother you when you pack on an extra 10 lbs?
2. Name something dogs love to go to the bathroom on.
3. Name a part of your body you shake most often.
4. Tell me something that gets fired.
5. Name a good gift for a tennis player.
No. 1 Answers: show
Total for Jay and Lisa: 234
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