To the Lost Quotes: Boardwalk Empire S2 Finale

Here are quotes from the 12/11/2011 Season Two Finale of Boardwalk Empire “To The Lost.”
(Warning — Some explcit quotes — &*!!*@ omitted)

Nucky Thompson: — On the elephant in the room: “If you’re referring to the woman who sleeps in the bed in which I am no longer welcome, then yes. There certainly is.”
— “We were both raised Catholic, but I suppose it’s fair to say that we have fundamental differences in our approach to religion.”
— “If there really is a God, would he have given me this mug?”
— “There is more God in the love I feel for you and those children than all the churches in Rome … I adore you, Margaret. I adore our family. My entire universe is within these walls. The rest can disappear.”
— “I need you to marry me. So you won’t have to testify. I want you to marry me.”
— “I’ve done bad things. Horrible things that I convinced myself were justified. I can see how wrong that was. God or no God, no one is sorrier than I am. I’m afraid, Margaret. I don’t want to die or spend the rest of my life in jail. I’d never admit that to anyone but you.”
— “I, Enoch, take you, Margaret, for my lawful wife.”
— “Et tu, Eli?
— “Horvitz is meeting me in one hour. War Memorial.”
— “You don’t know me, James. You never did. I am not seeking forgiveness.”

Jimmy Darmody — “Manny Horvitz. Philadelphia. He used to work for Waxey Gordon. He came for me. Found [Angela] instead.”
— “My father’s dead. I should have killed him the moment he suggested betraying you. I thought about it since I was a kid — killing him. I don’t know what stopped me.”
— “It was Eli.”
— “Mom, no more advice.”
— “Not just a confession.”
— “No, Mee-ma didn’t know where I was. Nobody did. It was just me, myself and I.”
— “I died in the trenches. Years back. I thought you knew that.”
— “My first time I vomited after, two days straight. Second time, I didn’t even think about it … just try to make yourself calm. Breathe, Nuck. You’ll get through it. All you gotta worry about is when you run out of booze and you run out of company and the only person left to judge you is you.”

Margaret Schroeder — “Mr. Sleater will drive us to the church where I intend to make a full and complete confession. Then after I’ve made my peace with God, Father Brennan will marry us.
— “I do.”
— “It was only the angels bowling up in heaven, dear. Nothing at all to be afraid of.”

Eli Thompson –“What do you expect, Nucky? F*cking kid’ll lie about anything.”
–“I am being honest. I tried to stop them. They threatened me. My life. My livelihood. I came to you Nucky. You forget? Hat in hand and you pissed on me.”

Richard Harrow (to Jimmy on Nucky) — “Whatever you do to try to change things, you know he’ll never forgive you.”
— “A bleeping suicide note.”

Manny Horvitz — “Odessa, now there’s a city for you. Everyone’s a crook. Little crooks. … Nobodies stealing from nobodies. Then the middle man. How many nobodies does it take to feed him? Seven — ten — the middle man is always hungry. Always worried. Because from the middle it’s easier to fall down than to climb up. …”
— “I wake up sometimes and I think I’m still there. 12 years old. My whole life ahead of me but then I realize I’m in America. That world is gone and you have to make the best of it.
— “My bad luck has a name — Waxey Gordon.”
— “If the boychik’s wife could still talk, she’d tell you otherwise.”
— “So you’re too big a crook to be seen with the likes of me.”

Mickey Doyle — “Nucky’s a busy fellow, Manny. You’re hiding in the basement of a synagogue. Don’t waste his time.”

Eddie Kessler (on why the bourbon bottle is empty) — “Somebody drank it.”
— (Nucky replies: “You’re cracking wise now?)
— “Chalky White is on ze line.”

Chalky White to the three captured Ku Klux Klan members — “Welcome back, fellas.”

Federal Agent (to Esther Randolph on Margaret) — “She brings a priest? I’m surprised she doesn’t have an infant suckling at her breast.”
— (Randolph replies: “Bring me back a shaved cherry ice. I’m boiling.”)

Father Brennan — “I’m here for moral support.”
— (Randoph replies: “I don’t think I’ll need it.”)
— “Marriage is an institution not to be taken lightly.”

Landlady — “If you’re churchgoing people, St. Mary’s of Czestochowa is nearby. … Mr. and Mrs. Mueller, welcome to Cicero!”

Esther Randolph to Margaret — “I’ll compel you to testify whether you cooperate with me or not. I can paint you either way on that witness stand, it’s really up to you. The helpless widow, unwittingly drawn in by her husband’s killer. Or, the shameless golddigger, seduced by money.”
— “Enoch Thompson is a man who will stop at nothing to achieve his ends, a man whose greed knows no boundaries …”
— “A last minute marriage, an alleged suicide, sudden recantations of sworn testimony. In my 8 years as a prosecutor, I have never seen a more blatant example of witness tampering.”
— “I’ll take the ducks, Your Honor.”

Judge — “Your client confessed to murdering Hans Schroeder. … Mr. Halloran, you are hereby remanded to the Federal penitentiary at Leavenworth, Kansas.”

Arnold Rothstein — “Flip a coin. When it’s in the air, you’ll know which side you’re hoping for.”

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