Law & Order: SVU Chicago Crossover

Law & Order: SVU and Chicago P.D.’s teams were back and forth between New York and Chicago in “Chicago Crossover” and “You’ll Have to Go Through Me” last week. A lot has been written about the success of the storyline and you can find a recap just about anywhere. In this post, we’re putting the spotlight on the actors who played the victims.

It actually all started on “Chicago Fire” when child pornography was uncovered and Chicago P.D.’s Detective Erin Lindsay’s half brother, Teddy, was among the photos. Lindsay had not heard from Teddy in like 10 years so she went to New York to help find him.

Teddy was played by Lou Taylor Pucci who once appeared in the L&O series “Criminal Intent” as poker prodigy Joey Frost in “Cruise to Nowhere” (2006). They find Teddy through the help of Jocelyn, a girl who was a victim of the ring who has been able to turn her life around. Jocelyn is now a student and doesn’t really want the detectives reminding her of the trauma she experienced, which actually involved Teddy in a way that he feels very guilty about. Isabel has recently had roles in the TV series “Believe” and “The Following”.

The detectives have a live feed going on that shows the latest victim of the ring, a young boy named Henry, who until recently was at the same juvenile facility as Teddy and Jocelyn once were. It comes to light that a security guard at the facility has been supplying the pornographers with children for $1,000 a kid, and they are able to save Henry.

Onata Aprile

Henry was portrayed by Christian Goodwin who also played a victimized kid in “Milwood” (2013). After Henry is rescued, the detectives realize that the head of the ring is actually in Chicago and the story picks up on Chicago P.D. where another child named Chris Sepka is in danger. She is played by Onata Aprile, who recently portrayed the young and doomed Susan Thompson on “Boardwalk Empire”. Teddy comes back to Chicago and while in the police station, he recognizes a photo of the head of the ring. Olivia Benson is also in Chicago and is able to get this guy to tell them where Chris is being held captive.

After Chris is saved, Lindsay begs Hank Voight to let her care for the child before she is put back in the system. Lindsay tells Chris that she went through some horrible times and then she met a police officer who helped her put it all behind her. She finds Chris a foster family and makes plans to be there for dinner to help the frightened child transition. Lindsay is paying it forward.

Erin Lindsay – Sophia Bush
Hank Voight – Jason Beghe
Olivia Benson – Mariska Hargitay

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