Harry Hamlin on Shameless Finale

So Harry Hamlin finally shows up as a rich man named Ned and has a little fling with Ian (Cameron Monaghan) right before the final episode of Season 2 of “Shameless.” Then in the finale, Fiona wants to meet Steve / Jimmy’s parents and in spite of his warnings, she insists. He says okay, giving Carl (Ethan Cutkowsky) the thumbs up to order the most expensive shizz on the menu.

At the dinner, Ian and us viewers are all blown away when Steve / Jimmy’s dad turns out to be none other than Ned!

Ian confronts him in the men’s room about whether his family knows he’s gay. Ned says he’s not.

Ian makes a few attempts to tell Fiona but never quite gets the chance. Ned meantime continues to sext Ian.

Well, that’s a helluva thing to stick in the finale, ain’t it?

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