Final Jeopardy: 2-22-16 to 2-26-16

Here are the Final Jeopardy questions and answers for the week of February 22nd through 26th, 2016.

Mon, Feb 22 – Correct answers: 3
Widely parodied today, this 5-word phrase originally appeared on motivational posters in England during WWII. show

Tue, Feb 23 – Correct answers: 1
After a royal passing in January 1820, this tragedy that had been little performed got 2 new London productions in April. show

Wed, Feb 24 – Correct answers: 2
Early British literature refers to her as “the first lady of the island” show

Thurs, Feb 25 – Correct answers: 2
This 1,400-square-mile tourist destination’s name comes from a Latin word for “greater”. show

Fri, Feb 26 – Correct answers: 2
This title of a British ceremonial march comes from a line in Shakespeare that continues “of glorious war!” show

If you missed any of the games, click on the date for the recap with the Daily Doubles and a triple stumper or two.

Tim Kutz became the second 4x champ on the 2016 TOC watch when he won on Monday. For the rest of the week was a 1-day champ carousel. Ben Yuhas won on Tuesday; Jill Panall on Wednesday and Chris Giglio on Thursday. On Friday, David Bradley won and he will be the returning champ next Monday. One thing that can be said is that the games were very competitive this week.

Jeopardy! champs prizes for the week of February 22, 2016

Here is a video from the 2-18-16 game featuring the category “The Story of the 21st Century.”


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