Final Jeopardy Clues: 12-16 to 12-20-24

Here are the Final Jeopardy questions and answers for the week of December 16 through 20, 2024.

Click on the dates to see the recap for each game.

Mon, Dec 16 – Correct answers: 0
GEOGRAPHY: Jebel Musa in Morocco & Mount Hacho near Ceuta are candidates for the southern half of this pair show

Tue, Dec 17 – Correct answers: 3
FICTIONAL CHARACTERS: Dressed in white in her first scene, this play character says her name means “white woods” show

Wed, Dec 18 – Correct answers: 3
ANTHEMS: The unofficial anthem of this U.K. territory mentions kelp, penguins & “the wind from the Horn” show

Thu, Dec 19 – Correct answers: 0
SUPER BOWL HISTORY: It’s the only team to play in the Super Bowl before Neil Armstrong’s moon walk that has not been back to the big game since show

Fri, Dec 20 – Correct answers: 0
MOVIES & THE LAW: “Drafters… have to have a little fun sometimes”, said the author of this law when asked if he was inspired by 1931’s “Little Caesar” show

It was an all-or-nothing week. For the third week in a row, there were 3 triple stumpers. Everyone got the other two clues. Lately, the pattern seems to be a fairly easy first round followed by a tough second round. Then the last round ranges from impossible or easy-peasy. I don’t really think any of the triple stumpers in FJ! were impossible this week. The Super Bowl clue made a goodly number of football fans happy. I thought there was enough in the Movies clue to solve it if you knew “Little Caesar” is a gangster film, even if you never saw it. I also didn’t think it was necessary to put “Act” after the correct response, and Snopes’ investigation confirmed that.

In my opinion, Monday’s Geography clue was the hardest. Ironically, the Anthems clue was a geography clue in disguise and it was easier than the Fictional Characters clue.

This week’s winners:
Mon 12/16/24 $17,400 Ashley Chan
Tue 12/17/24 $20,900 Ashley Chan
Wed 12/18/24 $21,000 Eric Weldon-Schilling
Thu 12/19/24 $11,200 Laura Faddah
Fri 12/20/24 $5,800 Laura Faddah

Returning champ Ashley Chan won another game on Monday and another on Tuesday. That gave her $38,300 to add to the $29,100 she won last week. Laura Faddah also won 2 games and $17,000. In between, Eric Weldon-Schilling won $21,000.

Jeopardy!’s total payout for the week was $76,300, a tad higher than last week’s $75,900. The show also paid out $25,000 in consolation prizes.

Here is the DICTIONARIES DEFINING SLANG WORDS category from Wednesday’s game.

More videos on Jeopardy!’s YouTube channel

Final Jeopardy Clues: 12-9 to 12-13-24


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