Final Jeopardy Clues: 1-13 to 1-17-25

Here are the Final Jeopardy questions and answers for the week of January 13 through January 17, 2025.

Click on the dates to see the recap for each game.

Mon, Jan 13 – Correct answers: 2
HISTORIC CURRENCY: Henry VII minted the first pound coin in 1489, which was called this, also a term for what Henry was show

Tue, Jan 14 – Correct answers: 0
COUNTRIES OF THE WORLD: “Bilady, Bilady, Bilady”, its national anthem, replaced a more militaristic one following a 1979 peace treaty Egypt show

Wed, Jan 15 – Correct answers: 2 (out of 2 left in FJ!)
BOOKS OF THE 1960s: In 1962 the New York Times said the release of this controversial book “presages a noisy fall” show

Thu, Jan 16 – Correct answers: 0
TREES: Order Arecales, this tree gets its name from Roman times; a leaf from one was placed in a victor’s hands after a contest was won show

Fri, Jan 17 – Correct answers: 2
HISTORIC STATEMENTS: He wrote of his intent “to reserve & throw away my first fire, & I have thoughts even of reserving my second fire” show

A couple of final clues this week were ridiculously hard. I’m talking about Tuesday’s national anthem clue and Thursday’s clue about the tree. It was no surprise that those clues went 0/3. Friday’s clue was also a triple stumper, but it was easier when you consider how popular a certain Lin-Manuel Miranda musical was. I would venture to say that a fair number of American history lovers knew it without even seeing the musical. The 1960 book was probably the week’s easiest even though it had the same number of responses as the currency clue. That would have been 4 correct responses out of a possible 15 this week, but because only 2 players participated on Wednesday, it’s 3 out of 14. Holy Moly!

This week’s winning scores:
Mon 1/13/24 $13,800 Will Yancey
Tue 1/14/24 $20,600 Evan Dorey
Wed 1/15/25 $23,400 Drew Goins
Thu 1/16/25 $24,000 Joey DeSena
Fri 1/17/25 $24,400 Marko Saric

$19,600 Mehal Shah
$15,400 Jay Fisher
$8,200 Jen Feldman
$8,000 Paul Clauson

The above scores were not paid in real dollars. The winners of the 5 quarterfinal games and the 4 Wildcards advance to the semifinals, coming up next week.

The show paid out six $5,000 consolation prizes to these players who didn’t make the semis.
Adam Hersh
Aiden Orzech
Davey Morrison
Eamonn Campbell
Stevie Ruiz
Will Weiss

Final Jeopardy Clues: 1-6-25 to 1-10-25


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