Final Jeopardy: Artwork (5-23-24)

Here are some more clues from the 5/23/2024 Jeopardy! game. Please don’t put the answers to these clues in the comments so people who missed the game can have a chance to answer them. It is okay to refer to them by category and clue value or by part of the clue.

LIT TITLES BY THE NUMBERS ($400) “Some mega-industrialist tycoon” is all we are prepared to quote from this novel, the 1st in an E.L. James trilogy

($1000) Salem, Massachusetts is the setting for this Nathaniel Hawthorne novel inspired by a curse placed on his own family

IT’S A PLANE ($1000) The Sopwith Wallaby was built to win a £10,000 prize for the first plane to fly from Britain to here; but it crashed on Bali

THE REAL TAGLINES OF THE REAL HOUSEWIVES ($800) “I’m not” this younger spouse— “I’m a lifetime achievement award”

CONGRESS ACTED UP ($2000) To enforce Prohibition came this Act to regulate the manufacture, etc. of alcohol & “promote its use in scientific research”

MEN OF SCIENCE ($800) James Clerk Maxwell’s ideas about Saturn’s rings were proved true a century later when this probe got there & looked around

($1600) Alexei Abrikosov won a 2003 Nobel Prize in Physics for work on these resistance-less current carriers

NAME, THE EXPRESSION ($000) There are 2 names in this seemingly criminal phrase that means to craftily move money around

SIGNATURE SONGS ($000) 50 Cent rapped, “You can find me” here, “bottle full of bub”; you could also find him doing it at the 2022 Super Bowl Halftime Show

WHERE IN “THE” WORLD? ($1200) As part of an Angeleno freeway-naming quirk, the L.A. part of the single-digit freeway shown here is known as this

($2000) A coastal region of North Africa between the Sahara Desert & the Mediterranean Sea

The Daily Box Scores are released at 8 pm Eastern

($200) 2 films released on July 21, 2023 were combined by many moviegoers into an informal double feature called this
($400) In 2016 NYC’s Film Forum began a “Return of the Double Feature!” with “Vertigo” & “Rear Window”, both starring him
($600) His memoir “Cinema Speculation” says “Wait a minute, you saw a double feature of “Joe” and “Where’s Poppa” at age 7? You bet I did.”
($800) Memorable B movies, which were the second ones of double features, include this Steve McQueen flick about a gelatinous menace
($1000) A special 2022 horror double feature paired “Pearl” & “X”, both starring this fittingly-named actress


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13 Responses

  1. William says:

    Ken’s impression of Jimmy Stewart was spot on!

  2. Howard says:

    My knowledge of the Bible and geography could fit on the heads of two pins, but I nailed FJ quickly. Liz blew a win by not wagering at least $4001. Dumb!

    Although this lame group finished DJ strongly, they were underwhelming throughout. Not one knew how many bones in the body? We learn that as children. I remembered the McQueen B movie, although may not have seen it. The nickname for Friedrich expression was fairly simple, and “Marti” was the key word in that last DD. The EL James trilogy was huge and also led to a couple of movies. I lived in LA long enough to know the freeway’s nickname. How could no one know that famous Hitchcockian actor? The chasm between everyday players and the masters grows deeper all the time.

    • Jason says:

      Wow. You got all my points, and the proper emotion.

      When everyone lost everything on an episode of “The Price Is Right”, Bob Barker called it an “El Skunko”. This was close enough.

      On a lighter note, look up “Jesus Brother Bob”, by the Arrogant Worms. That will give you Final.

  3. rhonda says:

    Thanks for the interesting clip about the painting, VJ.

    • VJ says:

      I’m glad you liked it, Rhonda. I didn’t know most of the info in that video.

      It’s a terrible shame and waste that the painting was stolen. It’s said to be worth tens of millions if recovered but I think it must have been damaged or destroyed by now. In the article about the stolen paintings, one thief said the painting he stole was hidden in a trash bin and it got picked up by the garbagemen before the thief could retrieve it

      • rhonda says:

        Same here about the info in the video, VJ.

        I would be surprised if the painting still exists after all of this time.

  4. Rick says:

    Wow, whenever I have a dull time at Jeopardy, all I have to do is to refer to this lackluster game for consolation. I mean, none of the contestants could come up with the 1958 horror film, and they couldn’t even name the lead actor in ‘Vertigo’ and ‘Rear Window. Huh? Well anyways, the FJ was a dead giveaway.

    • Ismael Gomez says:

      Were you disappointed that none of the daily doubles were nailed tonight?

      • Rick says:

        I was only amazed that Liz even wagered the family jewels on one daily double as something told me that it just wasn’t going to lead to a happy conclusion.

  5. Ismael Gomez says:

    Unimpressive show as all 3 DDs were missed resulted our eighth skunking of the season as the DDs are not nice to anybody today. I hope William Weyser will say darn those daily doubles to Amar.

  6. VJ says:

    I was just shocked by Liz not betting anything. Admittedly, I am no great shakes when it comes to math. It gives me a headache unless I round everything off.

    In this case, I would have bet the farm.

    In any case, I don’t think I would ever bet that the two other players would be wrong.

  7. Kevin Cheng says:

    Liz should have won today’s match if she bet it all but she didn’t and she handed the game to Amar. It was an ugly match today with low scores and the leader only had 1,000 while two players had no money after 10 clues in DJ!