Final Jeopardy: Food & Drink in the Bible (9-23-21)

Here are some more triple stumpers from the 9/23/2021 Jeopardy! game:

SPORTS VENUE NICKNAMES ($400) The Gonzaga University Bulldogs basketball teams play at McCarthey Athletic Center, nicknamed this canine shelter

WELCOME TO COMET-CON! ($800) An unusual object known as 288P has a tail so it’s classed as a comet, but it’s basically a binary this, also called a minor planet

($1200) The 4 visible parts of a comet are the nucleus, coma, ion tail & this tail that sounds like a bottle of Pledge will get rid of it

REVIVAL ($1200) 1765’s “Reliques of Ancient English Poetry” was part of a revival of this type of folk poem, like the one “Of Constant Susanna”

Sneak Peek clues — HISTORIC WOMEN
($400) This First Lady’s last words in 1818: “Do not grieve, my friend, my dearest friend. I am ready to go. & John, it will not be long”
($800) In 1993 Ellen Ochoa became the first Latina launched into space, aboard this shuttle, also a 2017 “Star Trek” series
($1200) After briefly dancing in Paris as Lady MacLeod, she soon changed her name to a Malay one meaning “eye of the dawn”
($1600) In 1969 Shirley Chisholm attacked the Vietnam War in the first floor speech of her 14-year run as a rep. of this state
($2000) A programming language is named after this daughter of Lord Byron who is called the world’s 1st computer programmer


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11 Responses

  1. Mike OLoughlin says:

    I am not sure why Mayim Bialik thought John the Baptist eating locusts in Matthew in the New Testament had any relevance to the Final Jeopardy question that was centered on two books in the Old Testament, i.e., Exodus 10 where locusts are a plague and Leviticus 11 where they are okay to eat.

    • VJ says:

      @Mike, I think she brought it up as an example in the Bible of the locust actually being eaten by a person.

      Locusts are referenced in many other Bible books but they’re usually doing the eating. 😀

      • JP says:

        Yes, John the Baptist would have been a Jew abiding by the Torah, so it is definitely relevant. Remembering that verse from Matthew made me more sure ‘locust’ was the correct answer.

  2. Jackson says:

    I’ve had to watch from afar (can’t stand this game not having a smart host. I will NOT watch her) so I’m glad Matt continues to win. Hopefully he’ll still be around in November when Ken comes back as host.

  3. Rick says:

    I thought about the locusts first, but then changed it to the frogs. Anyways, I would never consider locusts as part of my diet.

  4. Lou says:

    religion knowledge is not in my playbook but still I’ve read plenty of bible books so the locusts was the response I got. Mayim has done an awesome job as host today. I am no bible scholar but as soon as possible I might start up on bible trivia later on to see how much I can remember about the books of genesis, Matthew and so forth. Guhan almost had Matt beat today but it would have been great if he had doubled his win to eventually defeat our champ but he left just a few thousand dollars behind which cost him the game. Good opponents for Matt today. Vj what did you think?

    • VJ says:

      I dunno, Lou. Matt looked like he was mighty tired to me today. I was quite surprised that he didn’t know the response to the $400 counterfeit money clue when he buzzed in. That was the 5th clue and the first time he got a clue!

      Matt still managed to pull off a runaway. I generally don’t go over the game with the should have bet more or less stuff, you know. They bet what they bet and they’re stuck with what they get. 🤣🤣🤣

  5. Alfred Robert Hogan says:

    CORRECTION WTIH APOLOGIES: Andrew D. Kaplan’s book “The Hidden Light” came out in 2014, not 2012. I was ineptly conflating dates with the (much different subject!) Walter Cronkite bio book “Cronkite” by Douglas Brinkley, to which I also contributed.

  6. JP says:

    I would have said Anthropomorphism, rather than Personification. My first thought was that that would have been accepted, but after a little more looking, it probably would not have been acceptable.

  7. Alfred Robert Hogan says:

    I again had zero idea on this FJ as my religion knowledge is minimal despite my Jewish colleague Dr. Andrew D. Kaplan PhD dedicating his 2012 book “The Hidden Light” on the opening chapters of Genesis to me. (I edited parts of the book and encouraged him.) Some of the research was done in the Yale University campus main library in New Haven CT–Dr. Kaplan earned his ugrad degree there as an Eli. He was pleased when I told him interim host Dr. Mayim Bialik slipped in a mention that Matt Amodio is a PhD student at Yale University, either cleverly or by accident. The VEGAN Jewish scientist Dr. Bialik continues doing an outstanding job hosting. 🙂