Final Jeopardy: Opera (7-8-24)

Here are some more clues from the 7/XX/2024 Jeopardy! game. Please don’t put the answers to these clues in the comments so people who missed the game can have a chance to answer them. It is okay to refer to them by category and clue value or by part of the clue.

TRUCK & TRUCKIN’ SONGS ($000) Not sure what Rhett Akins drove, but it wasn’t a 4×4 from this brand because “that ain’t my truck” in his girl’s driveway

($800) The longtime CMA Awards co-hosts have truck songs: Brad Paisley’s “Mud On The Tires” & her 2023 “Out Of That Truck”

20TH CENTURY AMERICA ($800) Drew’s great aunt, she gave a great performance on Broadway in 1905 as Nora Helmer in “A Doll’s House”

($2000) Established in 1946 to control the development & use of nuclear power, this commission was superseded by a new agency in 1974

BOOKS ($800) John le Carré put the “spy” in spy novel titles with this 1974 book, the first in the George Smiley-Karla trilogy

($1600) The first name of Stephen King’s P.I. Gibney, it’s the title of a 2023 bestseller where she takes center stage

VOCABULARY ($800) An irregular past tense verb, or a minor quarrel, a squabble, a tiff

The Daily Box Scores are released at 8 pm Eastern

($400) Merriam-Webster, New Oxford American, Scholastic Children’s
($800) Henry Kissinger, Yasser Arafat, Médecins Sans Frontières
($1200) Harpy, martial, golden
($1600) Asher, Judah, Gad
($2000) Roland, Oliver, Fierabras


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4 Responses

  1. Howard says:

    What I know about opera could fit on the head of a pin, with room to spare, but FJ was a breeze.

    Karan the geography whiz nailed the two bottom clues in Capes, then inexplicably switched categories. And of course the DD was in the middle clue. Perhaps he’d have made it a game had he stayed with it. But good for Isaac for hitting all 3 doubles and FJ.

    Not into country music, but I always watch the CMA Awards and really enjoyed the banter between Paisley and the stumper host when they were on together. Shame on them for not knowing Drew’s legendary relative. I didn’t expect them to know the nuclear agency, but I remember when the name changed. The spy novel had to be one of two, and the irregular past tense verb/quarrel was easy. All but one of the 3 of a Kind were out of my league.

    • VJ says:

      @Howard, if I was writing that quarrel clue, I’d would have worked “Return to Sender” in there. “We had a quarrel, a lover’s this”

      I wonder if any of them liked Elvis

  2. Jason says:

    That second TS on page 1 is really clunky the way it’s written. Along with other clunky clues, I wonder if they’re all written by the same writer.

    I got FJ. While time was still going, I thought, maybe The Mikado, but stayed with my first thought.

    1/3 on DD, and less than half of the TS.

    Good to see you up, VJ!

    • VJ says:

      Thanks, Jason. The internet connection was out completely yesterday. It’s kinda shaky today but hopefully it will be good enough to get things done today.

      I agree with you about clunky clues. I thought one of the J6 clues was confusing. I wasn’t sure if the pronoun referred to the Scourge of God or someone else

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