Final Jeopardy: 16th Century Names (7-5-19)

Here are two categories from the 7-5-2019 Jeopardy! game:

The players got all the clues in HISTORIC AMERICANS:

($200) This Puritan minister is pictured with hair that’s fluffy and white, just like his name
($400) “Professional Angel” is a biography of this Angel of the Battlefield”
($600) A memorial at Arlington cemetery to this North Pole explorer bears a Latin motto that means “I shall find a way or make one”
($800) This newspaper magnate ran for the democratic president nomination in 1904
($1000) Wondering how to help impoverished women, this woman (1879-1966) realized she had to remove legal barriers to birth control


The players got all the clues in 1 LETTER DIFFERENT. (You had to give both words)

($200) Cinnamon or pepper, & an area that can be “deep” or “outer”
($400) The sound on an electronic device, & an examination you don’t want to get from the IRS
($600) To proclaim via sermon & to violate a contract
($800) A tree remnant & an economic downturn
($1000) A man-made waterway, & a group of anti-government plotters


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8 Responses

  1. William Weyser says:

    All I can to say to Jim is that he did the right thing on his Daily Double, by going all in, in order to catch up to Ryan, but he just drew a complete blank, and my mom doesn’t like Adele. If it had been a different clue, and Jim got it right, the game would have been a closer. Instead, Ryan scores his 2nd runaway, and since all 3 got Final Jeopardy! right, it wouldn’t have mattered in the end, and this week started off as hard week with only 1 out of 9 correct responses in Final Jeopardy!, but then, the week made a huge comeback with 2 triple solves in a row, but not quite enough to make it to half of 15 correct responses, which, of course, is 7.5. With 2 games & $63,849, Ryan Bilger is looking good heading into Monday’s episode. Will Ryan be the next James Holzhauer? We’ll have to wait and see.

  2. rhonda says:

    I thought it was odd that Martin Luther King was in the clue about Odetta, and then Martin Luther was the FJ answer.

    • VJ says:

      @Rhonda, I guess we notice these things a lot more than the players because we already know the answer to FJ.

      In Monday’s game when Polynesia was the answer, for example, I noticed there was a clue where New Zealand was the answer, one point of the Polynesian Triangle.

      • rhonda says:

        That makes a lot of sense, VJ, thanks for pointing it out. Of course, unlike you, I didn’t put the New Zealand clue together with Polynesia lol.

  3. matt says:

    we’re always looking for the next james like we looked for the next ken jennings but it isn’t going to happen so quickly there was fifteen year gap. ryan looks good and maybe he makes toc but he isn’t elite

  4. Lou says:

    Jim couldn’t get much going today but I was most impressed with Ryan’s performance. It seems that he could do what James had done previously because he is pretty quick on the buzzer. We finished off the week with a 3 time player falling short of his fourth game, two triple solves and a few final jeopardy triple stumpers. By the way VJ, what was the exact cause of tetzal’s death even after Martin Luther tried to console him?

    • VJ says:

      I agree, Lou. It already looks like there’s going to be two Ryans in the next ToC. Ryan B knows his stuff!

      As to Tetzel’s cause of death, Martin Luther wrote that Tetzel died from “grief of the heart.” However, if you put “Tetzel cause of death” in a google search, the answer that will come up is “plague,” I saw a source on google books from 1891 that said “The statement that Tetzel died of the plague is without support.”

      In other words, who knows?

  5. Kevin Cheng says:

    15 more games left until the Season Finale. Too bad Jim couldn’t come up with a guess on the last Daily Double in the second round he finished in 3rd place. Congrats to Ryan, a 2 day champion with $63,849.