Final Jeopardy: Famous Ships (7-28-20)

Here are 4 more triple stumpers from the 7/28/2020 Jeopardy! game:

CITIZENSHIP TEST ($400) In 1800 the national government of the United States moved from this city to Washington, D.C.

HOLIDAYS ($300) This Jewish holy day begins with the recitation of the Kol Nidre

($400) This June day had been celebrated for 62 years, but it wasn’t official until signed into law by Nixon in 1972

“F” IN GEOGRAPHY ($800) This city 30 miles west of Dallas was an important stop along the Chisholm Trail

Answers to the Sneak Peek clues — TALK NONSENSE:
($100) This partner of “goo goo” in baby talk also means “foolishly enthusiastic”
($200) Completes the immortal words of Little Richard, “A wop bop a loo bop a lop…”
($300) In the dictionary this triple-talk phrase meaning “and so on” comes after bladder & before blanch
($400) Children’s taunt once used by fugitive Deborah Ulrich in a letter to police
($500) On ’70s TV this was Charo’s version of making whoopee


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4 Responses

  1. Dal Higbee says:

    Jodie Foster won $16,600. Then they added $5,000 to that score.

  2. Lou says:

    I am pretty sure the Budweiser ship is non existent but still the other two players should have gotten this for a triple solve. A good game so far today. Speaking of the mayflower do you remember a cartoon movie called The Mouse on the Mayflower? It was from 1968, VJ.

    • VJ says:

      Can’t say I recall that one, Lou. It was decent game with almost all the clues shown. idk why the guys went for a joke answer but Alex sure got a kick out of it.