Final Jeopardy: 19th Century Women (7-19-24)

Here are some more clues from the 7/19/2024 Jeopardy! game. Please don’t put the answers to these clues in the comments so people who missed the game can have a chance to answer them. It is okay to refer to them by category and clue value or by part of the clue.

BRITISH HISTORY ($600) Pope Leo X gave this monarch the title “Defender of the Faith” in 1521 for his written work against Martin Luther

($1000) Embalmers messed up the body after his 1658 death; in 1661 folks thought putting his head on a pole was a nice finishing touch

THE OLYMPICS ($1000) Reminiscent of witches, it’s the bowl-like structure that holds the flame in the host stadium; Torino’s was placed 190 feet up

IT’S SOME KIND OF LAW ($800) A 1968 U.N. agreement requires states to rescue & assist these people & “promptly return them to their launching state”

RATED “PG” ($1000) Ahoy, mateys! Scurry aloft & haul in these sails high, high up on the masts

40 ($400) In Venice, plague caused ships to be isolated in harbors for 40 days, leading to this modern word

($600) If you make it to 40 years of marriage, know that it’s termed this gem anniversary (a variety of corundum)

FANNY PACK ($800) She was the original “Funny Girl”, dressed up here as her character Baby Snooks

($1600) In the 1980s this Swede wrote & directed the period family drama “Fanny & Alexander”

CLASSICAL MUSIC ($1600) Bach’s “The Well-Tempered Clavier” is a set of 48 preludes & these, which Bach also taught us “The Art of”

FORT-Y ($1200) We’d be in euphoria if you knew this fort near El Paso was named for Zachary Taylor’s son-in-law, a West Point math teacher

The players missed 2 clues in A LITTLE WORD MATH
($1600) A no-fooling state of mind you might be “in” – an external organ = this animal abode
($2000) A religious residence + a charged atom = this big assembly

WORD MATH ANSWERS: ($1600) nest (earnest – ear)
($2000) convention (convent + ion)

The Daily Box Scores are released at 8 pm Eastern

($200) Faked scenes in the 1958 Disney film “White Wilderness” aided the false narrative that these arctic rodent commit suicide
($400) Species of this burrowing rodent in the U.S. include plains pocket & northern pocket
($600) These rodents lives in towns and extended family groups called coteries
($800) Its name may be from the French for sleep, because it hibernates about half the year, missing out on a lot of tea parties
($1000) The giant species of this rodent has been recorded as gliding up to 1,500 feet from tree to tree


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4 Responses

  1. Jason says:

    I just watched the game on the DVR. Man, I was SO not impressed with Neilish in the first round. There was no plan, them a plan for all the high dollar clues and ringing in first, and hoping to come up with it. As is usual, not successful.

    I was 2/3 on DD and got FJ. I also “got a feeling” that Neilish will be a “cooler” (low scoring games).

    I got more than half the TS.

  2. Howard says:

    Final seemed obvious to me, but wasn’t necessarily a giveaway.
    Nice comeback by Neilish after that shaky start. Minus 1800 off the bat.
    Knew Jamie Lee’s parents; Funny girl; Fanny-Alexander Swede (who else might it have been?).

  3. Kevin Cheng says:

    Neilesh made an impressive comeback after starting Double Jeopardy in the negative. He really turned things around in that round. He will be the champion heading into the final week of Season 40.

  4. VJ says:

    Sorry this is so late, everybody. Also sorry about the way Jay lost!! Ken actually emphasized “at this same harbor” when he read the clue, but I said Fort Sumter too!!

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