Final Jeopardy: Fictional Characters (6-4-24)

Here are some more clues from the 6/4/2024 Jeopardy! game. Please don’t put the answers to these clues in the comments so people who missed the game can have a chance to answer them. It is okay to refer to them by category and clue value or by part of the clue.

TREE-VIA ($800) Quebecol is a compound derived from the sap of this tree

21ST CENTURY SPORTS ($800) A bit like sci-fi’s Anywhere Door or Phoenix Gate, it opened on Oct. 15, 2018 to whisk college athletes to a new school

($1000) Then with Oklahoma City, this master of the triple double became the first back-to-back MVP of the NBA All Star Game since the 1950s

JUNE 4 EVER MORE ($400) 1896: He astounds Detroiters on his first drive in his 500-pound brakeless “Quadricycle”

($1200) 1859: French & Sardinian troops defeat the Austrians at this Italian town soon to give a purplish-red color its name

($1600) 1970: This Pacific kingdom gains its independence from Great Britain

IDIOMS & EXPRESSIONS ($2000) Janis Joplin’s last concert was fronting a band with this 3-word name, meaning all out & including a synonym for to dance

MODERN POTPOURRI ($2000) Blockchain technology was intended to keep transactions this, meaning no individual has control, all do

FEELING A LITTLE ART “C” ($1200) This American expatriate modeled for Edgar Degas, including his painting “At the Milliner’s”

ANY PORT ($800) The Sui Seung Yan, meaning “born on the water”, are the boat people that add to the local color of this rhyming Chinese port

($2000) Literally “White Bay”, this alliterative Argentine city is a major port of Buenos Aires province

The Daily Box Scores are released at 8 pm Eastern

($200) Video, ticker, scotch
($400) Mug, booster, jump
($600) John, Dicky, Uzi Vert
($800) A smile, an egg, the books
($1000) cymbals, the stock market, uninvited guests


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9 Responses

  1. Jacob Ska says:

    I was taken aback by the miss on the 1st DD. I erroneously thought it was common knowledge that potatoes and the missed correct response were a traditional combination in Ireland. This is without knowing the nomenclature used in the clue. This was a popular dish in our household on St. Patrick’s Day In New York and we’re not Irish. Of course the “Winnie the Pooh” response for fj helped explain the 1st DD miss. I’m inclined to believe that some contestants simply get nervous onstage.

    • VJ says:

      Maybe the way the clue was worded mixed Christina up. I’m Irish and I figured it was the traditional Irish accompaniment to corned beef but I never had colcannon and I didn’t know what “col” in it is supposed to stand for til I looked it up. The Gaelic is cál ceannann. The last word supposedly stands for white-headed. At any rate, I always eat my “col” separate from my potatoes.

      On the other hand, I’m also part French. If they asked me what soupe aux choux is, I’d know that right away because I’ve had it before.

      • Jacob Ska says:

        VJ, Your take on it makes good sense. We never had the corned beef because our mom wasn’t a big fan of meat. However, the potatoes with the vegetables were delicious. Don’t know what spices she used but the meal was delicious. As you know, St. Patrick’s Day is huge in New York for everyone. If anyone didn’t wear green that day when we were young they got pinched. 🤣 We looked forward to it every year.

      • Howard says:

        The “col”/cabbage connection befuddled me, until later in the evening when I thought of cole slaw.

  2. Howard says:

    Travis took himself right out of the game with that missed DD about the sticky foot pads. There was really only one answer, and he flubbed it. But at least he got the Final, which stumped me big-time. And now I’ve learned that it was a series of novels.

    Ouch, those three missed sports clues were right in my wheelhouse. The Detroit driver clue was there for the taking. The Joplin clue was a killer, but I remembered that band, which evolved from her Big Brother & the Holding Company group. I ALMOST got to see her live at Woodstock, but I crashed Saturday night from lack of food and sleep, and missed all the big names. CCR, Sly and the Family Stone, the Who, Grateful Dead too.

    • Steve says:

      I don’t know about some of these clues. I never heard of pulvilli myself and I was confused by that.

      Then that other Daily Double about colcannon — I don’t get how they expect anyone who isn’t Irish to know that.

    • Jason says:

      I didn’t know it was a series of books, either. I, myself, went with Jeeves, Bertie Wooster’s butler, from the series by PG Wodehouse.

      Good on Adriana on her 5th win and ticket to the TOC!

  3. Kevin Cheng says:

    It’s actually game 5 for Adriana. I’m glad that she qualified for the Tournament of Champions and she’s the fourth qualifier to make it to the TOC. So far, the field has been all female for the next Tournament of Champions.