Final Jeopardy: Names in the Heaven (6-24-24)

Here are some more clues from the 6/24/2024 Jeopardy! game. Please don’t put the answers to these clues in the comments so people who missed the game can have a chance to answer them. It is okay to refer to them by category and clue value or by part of the clue.

A ONE E & A 2 E ($1000) Gusto! Verve! Vivacity!, & to take a quick look

WHERE’S THE MEETING? ($1600) Logan County, Ky. in 1800 is credited as the birthplace of the fervent religious gatherings called these 4-letter meetings

OLDE CARS ($2000) In 1951 NASCAR felt the sting of the Hudson this, which won the season opener in Daytona

NOTHING LIKE LIVE MUSIC ($2000) This singer who often honors her predecessors paid tribute to Ms. Mitchell by hosting a 2023 Joni Jam

14-LETTER RESPONSES ($2000) Self-hypnosis may make use of this, the planting of your own ideas into your subconscious

The Daily Box Scores are released at 8 pm Eastern

($200) Maya Angelou rhymed this title word with “eyes” & “lies”
($400) Guests at many a wedding don’t hear the lowercase in e.e. cummings’ “I carry your “this” with me
($600) In an obvious yet deep thought, Dickinson began a poem this “is counted sweetest by those who ne’er succeed”
($800) “So vast was the struggle to found this Roman state” is a line from this epic by Virgil
($1000) “There’s a stake in your fat black heart” she wrote in “Daddy”, a searing poem from her posthumous 1965 collection “Ariel”


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13 Responses

  1. Howard says:

    Erin should have stayed at home.

    Tough Final; Comet Kohoutek was all I could muster.

    The Studebaker/Rockne DD wasn’t that difficult. Thought someone might know the pop singer who adores Joni Mitchell.

    Housekeeping: the “More clues on page 2” link didn’t work. And the Presidential Nicknames stumper’s $ value is showing as $000. (Which is also the dollar value I’d assign to that president.)

    • VJ says:

      That’s odd — Jason said it didn’t work, then he said it did.

      That president stumper was a top row clue in Double Jeopardy, where the easy clues are supposed to be. I never heard of that president being called that. I guess they apply that to any president or anybody who is perceived as getting away with something. I even saw a book cover calling Clinton Teflon Bill.

  2. Jason says:

    Wow – Erin just looked unprepared.

    Once again, Drew forgot his phrasing. Really not impressive.

    I was 3/3 on DD and, but missed Final.

  3. Rick says:

    Wow, Erin must have broke an all time Jeopardy record with $7,200 in the red, but I could sure see myself in that situation. Anyways, I was frantically trying to come up with the correct response for FJ. I mean, what was that celestial body which was discovered in 1978? Well, I simply drew a blank, but I was quite familiar with Charon. Incidentally, Pluto is not a dwarf planet at all, but a fully fledged planet.

  4. Ryan McClelland says:

    So Erin is the latest Jeopardy contestant to get dismissed before Final J! as not much went her way and congrats to Drew on winning the game once again.

  5. Ismael Gomez says:

    Tough final as we got a double stumper and Erin did much worse than Priscilla from the January 16, 2020 episode.

  6. Kevin Cheng says:

    I feel bad for Erin, the opening round went fine for her but in DJ! she had to take a lot of swings to get out of the red to try to catch up but she kept digging the hole deeper and deeper. She ended up at -$7,200 which is I believe the lowest negative score ever in the history of Jeopardy! Erin was the most unluckiest player in the show’s history.

    • William Weyser says:

      She had to keep swinging, because she was flirting negative amounts, and things just didn’t work out for her, but in actuality, it’s not the record. It’s close. In Matt Amodio’s 4th game, Patrick Pearce finished with -$7,400, which is the current record.

      • VJ says:

        Yeah, I linked to the pre-FJ scores for July 2021 — Patrick was at the middle podium, too. Maybe that’s a planetary coincidence — the middle podium planets were not aligned

        • Howard says:

          My wife used to say the middle podium was cursed, and that was before I was placed there.

    • VJ says:

      I believe that the lowest negative score in Jeopardy! history was on 7-26-21, a couple hundred more than Erin’s score

      • Rick says:

        I didn’t read your post beforehand so Erin apparently didn’t break the Jeopardy record for the lowest negative score.

      • Jacob Ska says:

        VJ, Tonight’s show debunks my stay-at-home parent theory. Good thing I didn’t predict. Yikes! 🤔