Final Jeopardy: 2 Last Names, Same First Letter (6-17-24)

Here are some more clues from the 6/17/2024 Jeopardy! game. Please don’t put the answers to these clues in the comments so people who missed the game can have a chance to answer them. It is okay to refer to them by category and clue value or by part of the clue.

STATE SONGS ($000) John Philip Sousa was an admirer of this college song about the “grand old badger state”

RELIGION ($800) The custom of hanging this on the doorpost of a Jewish home comes from a commandment in Deuteronomy

($1000) It’s the collective name for the oldest & most sacred books of Hinduism

THE HUMAN RACE ($400) They’re the 2 main human language modalities; one might have begun 2 million years ago, the other 5,000
($1000) Using animal fat & sticks, a team of Spanish researchers tried to solve this kind of obvious question about cave paintings

A HISTORY LESSON ($400) In 1886, after 3 wars with the British, Upper Burma was made a province of this colony

($1600) A 1960s Florida society lady in the TV series “Palm Royale” is raising money for loyalists to this exiled Cuban dictator

($2000) An emperor of this Chinese dynasty at its height in the early 1400s took the reign name Yongle, “perpetual happiness”

SCIENTISTS ($800) Now widely used in medicine, this process of filtering particles in liquids was first developed by Thomas Graham in the mid-1800s

($2000) In 1871 John William Strutt, later Lord this, explained that atmospheric scattering makes the sky blue

LABOR UNIONS ($2000) The full name of the carpenters union is the United Brotherhood of Carpenters & these cabinetmakers of America

THE HUMANS RACE ($2000) Just 2 men have had a season winning all 3 of cycling’s grand tours, those being the Tour de France, Giro Dttalia & this a España

MUSICAL INSTRUMENT RHYME TIME ($1200) An anesthetized tabla
($1600) A transverse woodwind instrument argument
($2000) A genuine device of graduated metal bars
RHYME TIME ANSWERS ($1200) numb drum
($1600) flute dispute
($2000) real glockenspiel

The Daily Box Scores are released at 8 pm Eastern

($200) We’d better get one more round– barkeep just said it was this
($400) Something you turn to when nothing else works, or heading south on the Las Vegas strip, Mandalay Bay
($600) A famous one happened June 25, 1876
($800) There’s a shout of approval in this term for a swan song or final campaign
($1000) The Sacrament of Extreme Unction is also known as this


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9 Responses

  1. Rick says:

    It was a decent game , and more or less a competitive one. Anyways, Adriana won the match again, but by a very slim margin. As for me, I did slightly above average in the game, but didn’t have a clue in FJ.

  2. Howard says:

    What looked like a sure runaway for AH turned into a decent contest. Congrats to the two who got FJ; I thought it was a toughie.

    The Badger State song was a relative softball, but it must have confused them. Didn’t expect them to know what hangs on the doorpost. I’ve worn the equivalent on a chain around my neck since age 13. Thought someone would know the deposed Cuban dictator.

  3. VJ says:

    It sounded so weird to me to hear Ken say “extreme unction”. Believe it or not, I can’t recall ever hearing anyone say it like that. Everyone in the Catholic schools I went to said it like it was one word — extramunction.

    After 1965, it was renamed the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick but people mostly went with Last Rites.

    • Howard says:

      My wife was a practicing Catholic, and when she appeared to be slipping away in 2013, I called and had the priest come over. But she pulled through and lived another 3 or so months.

      • Jason says:

        You can get Anointing of the Sick more than once. That was a problem with “last rites” – not everyone knew you could get it more than once

        I was just blanking on Final, but, my wife (who generally doesn’t watch J!), said “Schindler”, and that opened it up.

        My goodness, but, Ty and his “uh” before everything became a bit annoying. The current mayor of Buffalo used to do that, but, I believe, was trained out of it.

    • Rick says:

      No VI, I’m a Catholic too, and ‘Extreme Unction’ is actually the proper way of saying it. I mean, that was the way I was taught. As I’m sure that you’re aware, it is one of the seven sacraments of the Catholic religion. Anyways, I was given the sacrament of ‘Extreme Unction’ in December 2007 before I I underwent a major brain operation to remove a large acoustic tumor. Well I obviously pulled through.

      • VJ says:

        Rick, I never said extramunction was the proper way to say it. That’s how everyone said it where I grew up, even the nuns ran the two words together. Of course, we all saw it spelled out as two words, but, speaking for myself — I just assumed it was one of those things that are said differently than the way they are spelled.

        Dominus vobiscum.

  4. Kevin Cheng says:

    Adriana now moves to #13 in the all-time regular-play winnings.