Final Jeopardy: School Supply Words (5-17-18)

Today’s Final Jeopardy question (5/17/2018) in the category “School Supply Words” was:

Adding “P” to a word for a chronic back condition gets you this synonym for graphite or pencil lead

The Finals of the 2018 Teachers Tournament have arrived. Claire Bishop, from Kentucky (H.S. Latin); Larry Martin, from Missouri (2nd Grade); and Steve Mond, from Utah (9th & 10th Grade Math) are the 3 finalists. Their scores in this match will be carried over and added to tomorrow’s score.

Round 1 Categories: What a Year! – Books of the Bible – Auto Abbrev. – Hip-Hop Hooray! – U.S. Geography – Double That Double S!

Steve got the Jeopardy! round Daily Double in “Books of the Bible” under the $1,000 clue on the 7th pick of the round. He was in the lead with $1,200 and the only one with any money. He bet $600 and went with the Beatitudes. They’re in Matthew, Chapter 5, so that was WRONG.

“The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord. show

Steve finished in the lead with $3,600. Larry was second with $3,000 and Claire was last with $2,600.

Round 2 Categories: The Month of May – Pop Culture Teachers – Healthy Greens – Let’s Get Scienc”E” – 21st Century Bestsellers – Words That Should Rhyme

Claire found the first Daily Double in “21st Century Bestsellers” under the $1,600 clue on the 2nd pick. After getting the $1,200 clue right, she was in the lead with $3,800, $200 more than Steve. She bet $2,000 and took a shot with “Funeral Practices.” That was WRONG.

A nonfiction bestseller about death rituals around the world shares its title with this James Jones novel. show

Larry found the last Daily Double in “Let’s Get Scienc’E'” under the $1,600 clue on the 13th pick. In the lead with $11,800, he had $7,000 more than Steve in second place. He bet $4,200 and he was RIGHT.

In physics, it’s the ability of a deformed body to return to its original size & shape. show

Larry finished in the lead with $18,400. Claire was next with $9,400 and Steve was in third place with $5,600.

NONE of the contestants got Final Jeopardy! right.


At about the 2.57 mark in this “Today I Learned Video,” Simon Whistler tells you all about graphite aka “plumbago” and how that word comes from the Latin “plumbum” for lead. Today I also learned that there’s a plant called plumbago from Jacob on Spoiler Talk, and it says on Gardening Know-How that it grows well in Texas and Florida.

As for lumbago, that old-time term for chronic low back pain, check out this chart of old medical terms on Berkeley Wellness. It’s No. 5. I don’t suppose that knowing lumbar has to do with your lower back would help anyone who never heard of lumbago to begin with!

Steve put a “P” in front of “ache” for “pache.” He lost his $3,000 bet, leaving him with $2,600.

Claire came up with pscoliosis. That cost her $8,000. She finished with $1,400.

Larry’s response was “pain.” He lost $6,601 so he ended up with $11,799, still a nice lead without a doubt. Stay tuned for the grand finale tomorrow!

Final Jeopardy (5/17/2018) Claire Bishop, Larry Martin and Steve Mond (2018 Teachers Tournament)

A triple stumper from each round:

HIP-HOP HOORAY! ($1000) Billboard listed 2 of his trilogies “Blueprint” & “Volume”, among the 10 bestselling rap series of all time

21ST CENTURY BESTSELLERS ($2000) This Ann Patchett bestseller about opera & terrorism has been turned into a real opera

2 years ago: TWO of the players got this FJ in “The Presidential Oath of Office”

In 2013 Pres. Obama was sworn in on 2 bibles– one was Lincoln’s & one belonged to this man who died 103 years after Lincoln. show

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22 Responses

  1. Howard says:

    “Lumbago” came to mind immediately, but “plumbago” certainly didn’t. Not sure what I’d have written had I been on stage. It also was a bit confusing trying to figure out where in the word the “p” would be added.

  2. Donna says:

    I thought of lumbago and tried putting a p in front of it but plumbago made no sense to me. I think I knew lumbago because I seem to always read books where someone is complaining that their lumbago is acting up. After seeing the show I tried googling plumbago and the only information that came up was about the plant. It took me 5 google pages to find anything about the final jeopardy question.

    • VJ says:

      @Donna, I saw this post “Why I Won’t Be There” on an AA blog where there’s an excuse form for why someone can’t make it to a meeting. “My lumbago is acting up” is the first one on there under the Medical Reasons heading. LOL!!

  3. Albert says:

    That Final was waaaaay tooooo difficult. I never heard that word before.

  4. Louis says:

    This was tough but still shame that the first day has to be tough for our finalists. Still, it looks like Larry is in a good position to take the lead. Plus, This is my first time hearing plumbago. Have you heard of it before VJ?

    When I was in middle school I was diagnosed with scoliosis and had to have surgery making me miss a year of gym. Still though suffering from intense pain makes me think I was pumped full of lead.

    • VJ says:

      Sorry to hear that, Lou. I know how horrible back pain is firsthand. I never heard of plumbago either that I can remember, but I have heard of lumbago. I was not surprised that Claire didn’t get it, but Larry and Steve look old enough to me to have heard about lumbago from parents or grandparents. (One of my grandparents was born in the 19th century 🙂 ).

    • VJ says:

      P.S. Lou, this morning I looked up a few movie quotes with the word lumbago — and I found that in a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cartoon, they used it as a gag for “hasta lumbago’ instead of ‘hasta luego.’ They also did it in the movie “The Last Dragon,” though idk if you ever saw that.

      • Lou says:

        Yes, I remember that movie the last dragon with the teenage mutant ninja turtles. It was magnificent. That cartoon will always be our favorite in our childhood years, VJ. Thanks for the heads up. I’ve been on.recovery mode after my back surgery and well, after a while I got back into sports and the gym. It was a tough road but I conquered it

        • VJ says:

          sorry for the confusion, Lou, but I’m talking about the 1985 film “The Last Dragon” with Leroy and Sho’Nuff (“Who’s the one and only master?) The name of the Turtles episode was “Invasion of the Punk Frogs.” And the “hasta lumbago” gag was also used in Tiny Toons Adventures – “How I Spent My Vacation.”

          Kudos on your victory on recovery road!

  5. Richard Corliss says:

    Another scores going bad, like it was last week.

  6. William Weyser says:

    Man, the 1st day of the finals of all 3 tournaments has been really tough on everybody. As usual, I’m hoping that nobody strikes out tomorrow.

  7. John B. says:

    Larry looks good for tomorrow. Disappointed that we had another triple whiff. Surprised that Claire as Latin teacher did not get PLUMBUM for “lead”. From there she would have had a pretty good chance to get it.
    GO LARRY !!!

    • VJ says:

      @John, as I mentioned in the recap, knowing the Latin for lead wouldn’t really help anyone who had never heard the word lumbago

      • John B. says:

        @VJ – Granted, but lumbago is much more common word and condition than scoliosis, a word which is usually only used by physicians. So Claire was definitely in the ballpark and obviously knows anatomy, since scoliosis is also a back problem. Lumbago is a much more common problem.

        Unfortunately for Claire “lower” was not in the clue and Claire went for the more unusual and rarer condition. Unless you have scoliosis I think nobody except doctors know the word.

        • VJ says:

          Have to disagree with you on lumbago. Why would it be on the list of old time medical terms then? I’m sure many more people of average J! player age have heard of scoliosis than have heard of lumbago. I remember back in the late 70s, Diane Keaton’s character in “Looking for Mr. Goodbar” had scoliosis.

  8. John B. says:

    Each player got a DD, yet only Larry got his right. Larry had again a nice lead going into FJ and because of the wagers by everybody in FJ it looks pretty good for him to win it all tomorrow. Claire obviously got desperate with her FJ wager. I am rooting for Larry.