Final Jeopardy: British Novels (4-4-16)

5 more triple stumpers:

TEXAS HISTORY ($800) The first public college in Texas opened in 1876 & emphasized these 2 fields found in the school’s name

THE AZTECS ($2000) Every 52 years, Aztecs feared the world’s end; they felt safe when this “sisterly” star cluster appeared directly overhead

TV NICKNAMES ($1600) Quite the charmers, doctors Derek Shepherd & Mark Sloan on “Grey’s Anatomy” had these rhyming nicknames

TV NICKNAMES ($2000) Edith Bunker had to bear with Archie always calling her this nickname, implying she was none too bright

HE VARNISHED ($1200) In 1890 he wrote that a study of his “Cypresses” could use a thick coat of varnish

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3 Responses

  1. McFeisty says:

    Very disappointing that Stradivarius was accepted as the name of Antonio Stradivari for the DD in He Varnished. Clearly, the clue was asking for his name (Stradivari), not what we call the instruments he and his family made (Stradivarius).

  2. aaaa says:

    Todd is certainly old enough to have seen All in the Family first run, but the lights got to him I guess and he didn’t remember Dingbat, and it was a surprising TS. 47/58 here. He’ll probably make the TofC, and certainly so if they have it in November 2016.

  3. VJ says:

    Wowee. I just had a feeling that whoever got that 5-Letter Capitals DD would win the game if s/he bet big.

    I could not believe that Todd rang in on that $2K Aztecs clue without being sure of the answer. At that point I was saying, that DD is your only hope. Didn’t matter. He was out-buzzed big time today.

    PS. Wikipedia has a page about the Pleiades in folklore and literature. Edgar Allan Poe isn’t mentioned on the page but he did include the Pleiades in his poem “Israfel”