Final Jeopardy: Historic Americans (4-3-20)

Here are 7 more triple stumpers from the 4/3/2020 Jeopardy! game:

HAVE YOU HEARD? ($600) “Hail! to the conqu’ring heroes!” The fight song here fires up this Big Ten school (video w/lyrics)

THE WORD IS LOVE ($600) This French word meaning “love” can also refer to a secret love affair

AFRICAN GEOGRAPHY ($800) Of Morocco’s 4 imperial cities, this capital is the only one on the coast

ATLANTIS ($400) The main sources of the legend of Atlantis are works called “Critias” & “Timaeus”, both by this Greek

NOBEL LITERARY NOMINEES ($800) In 1963 this then-president of France received nominations for literature, not peace

($1200) This “Magic Mountain” author nominated his friend Hermann Hesse, who joined him in the Nobel club

($2000) In 1934 Guglielmo Marconi broadcast his choice for this Italian playwright

Answers to the Sneak Peek clues — SHOOTING THE GODFATHER MOVIES:
($400) In the 1972 film “The Godfather”, this actor as the title character is hit by 5 bullets but survives
($800) Michael Corleone, played by him, shoots down a rival mobster & a police captain
($1200) In “The Godfather Part II” Fredo Corleone is shot after saying this Catholic prayer asking for the Virgin’s help
($1600) As Sonny Corleone, this tough-guy actor is shot to pieces at a tollbooth
($2000) As Jewish mobster Hyman Roth, this pioneer of method acting is shot at an airport in “The Godfather Part II”


Favorite “Godfather” Quotes

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8 Responses

  1. Lou says:

    After two weeks of leader curses and eight games later, the leader curse has been broken. Congrats to felicity on winning her second game. We will see her after the college championship. Hoping she can go on a streak like Mackenzie did. Speaking of the Pulitzer, VJ do you know if any of the books on Sherlock Holmes won any of that prize for best mystery novel?

    • VJ says:

      They don’t have a best mystery category, Lou, but check out the fiction category here. It has to be a novel by an American author, “preferably dealing with American life”

      • VJ says:

        I just saw an article about Michael Chabon (he won a Pulitzer for a book that was in a recent clue– “The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier” & this other title guy). He wrote a 2004 book that has something to do with Sherlock, “The Final Solution: A Story of Detection” but it’s set in England.

    • Howard says:

      The prize is essentially for works by Americans. And nearly all of the Sherlock Holmes works were published before the first Pulitzers were awarded in 1917. I was a newspaper journalism major in college and I’m ashamed to say I didn’t think of Pulitzer tonight, but rather Sulzberger, the family that owned the NY Times for decades.

  2. Richard Corliss says:

    It took eight games to stop.

    • VJ says:

      Well, I was only joking yesterday about crossing your fingers etc. In all seriousness, I’m very glad that we’ve still got new games to watch whether there is a new champ or a repeat champ, and that we still have Alex at the helm

  3. Kevin Cheng says:

    Congrats to Felicity for breaking the one day curse of champions when she was the only player to get Final Jeopardy right. We won’t see her again in 2 weeks because starting Monday we will be seeing the Jeopardy College Championship. It’s gonna be fun.

    • Richard Corliss says:

      My guess the semifinalists will be Sirad, Emma, Kayla, Sophie, Kylie, Londyn, Joe, Xiaoke, and Natalie.