Final Jeopardy: U.S. Cities (3-20-25)

The Final Jeopardy question (3/20/2025) in the category “U.S. Cities” was:

Named for a 1775 battle, this city contains the graves of John Breckinridge and Henry Clay

4x champ Alex DeFrank, an inventory specialist from Brooklyn, NY, has now won $102,400. In Game 5, his opponents are: Hillary Hess, an export policy analyst from Arlington, VA; and Cameron Berry, a data analyst & college administrator from Brighton, MA.

Round 1 Categories: Poets & Poetry – That’s a Fact – 3 Meanings, One Word – TV Show by Google Search – Let’s Roll the Dice – Yangtze!

Cameron found the Jeopardy! round Daily Double in “3 Meanings, One Word” under the $800 clue on the 7th pick of the round. He was in the lead with $2,400, $1,000 more than Hillary in second place. Cameron made it a true Daily Double and he was RIGHT.

A set of elevators, a steep slope, a blood-storage depot show

Cameron finished in the lead with $9,400. Hillary was second with $2,600 and Alex was last with $2,400. All clues were shown.

Round 2 Categories: Art of the State – The 1300s – Ancient Greek Theater – The Song of Roland Drum Machines – Plant Lore – ____ of the ____

Hillary found the first Daily Double in “Ancient Greek Theater” under the $1,200 clue on the 19th pick of the round. She was in second place with $5,000, $12,400 less than Cameron’s lead. Hillary bet $2,500 and she was RIGHT.

As part of a play, the parodos was the song recited or sung as this group of commentators made its entrance show

Cameron found the last Daily Double in “___ of the ___” under the $800 clue with one clue left after it. He was in the lead with $24,200 now, $16,700 more than Hillary in second place. Cameron bet $4,000 and he was RIGHT.

When it comes to certain acts such as arson, there’s some truth to the cliche about guilty folks returning to here show

Cameron finished in the lead with a runaway $28,600. Hillary was second with $7,500 and Alex was last with $4,000. All clues were shown.

Only ONE of the contestants got Final Jeopardy! right.


Lexington is the third oldest town in Kentucky. It began in June 1775 as a settlement on land that was part of the Virginia Colony at the time. When news arrived from nearby Fort Boonesborough that the first battles of the American Revolution had been fought on 4/19/1775 in Lexington & Concord, Massachusetts, the settlers were inspired to name their campsite Lexington. In honor of this event, the group named their future settlement “Lexington”. Over the next 7 years, the settlement grew into a town and was chartered in 1782. 10 years later, Kentucky was admitted to the Union as the 15th state. Learn more

Here’s one of Henry Clay’s many Jeopardy! clues: “In Lexington, you can visit Ashland, home of this famous 19th century statesman”; and here is one of Breckinridge’s clues: Not Calhoun but this John C. from Kentucky was U.S. VP from 1857 to 1861 & then Sec. of War for the Confederacy

Alex got it right. He bet it all and doubled his score to $8,000.

Hillary had no response. She bet and lost her whole $7,500.

Cameron came up with Charleston. He lost $4,000 but won the game with the remaining $24,600. Cameron Berry is the new Jeopardy! champ.

Final Jeopardy (3/20/2025) Alex DeFrank,  Hillary Hess, Cameron Berry

A triple stumper from each round:

YANGTZE! ($600) Parts of the Yangtze are home to the giant type of this amphibian, which can weigh over 100 pounds & wails like a crying infant

ART OF THE STATE ($1600) “Pennsylvania Landscape”, or “Lafayette’s Headquarters”, is by this artist who passed away in Chadds Ford in 2009

More clues on Page 2

2 years ago: Only ONE of the players got this FJ in “MOVIE THEME SONGS”

Monty Norman, the composer of this character’s theme, said the staccato riff conveyed sexiness, mystery & ruthlessness show


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5 Responses

  1. Rick says:

    Unfortunately, I missed today’s game because some basketball game preempted it. Oh well! I’ll try again tomorrow.

  2. Howard says:

    Tough final. I have a close college friend who grew up in Lexington, Mass, but that was of no help to me. And there were basketball games in the KY city today.

    Got 2/3 DDs, none of them 3 super tough. Knew the 2-3-4-9-10-11-12 clue; I dealt that game professionally in the 80s and still do periodically.

    Missed round one, Cameron was way ahead when I tuned in. Strong player. Hillary hit some big clues late to finish respectably.

  3. Travis says:

    I thought the categories on todays episode were pretty tough.

  4. Jason says:

    Curses! So, I was watching something on the DVR, and didn’t look for the little red light. The NCAA tournament was on the regular station, and I only saw FJ on the alternate station (which they didn’t indicate they were moving to). To boot, I got it wrong. I says Bennington.

  5. William Weyser says:

    If Hillary made it a True Daily Double, she would have locked out Alex for 2nd place, but because Cameron was so far ahead, there’s no way for Hillary to catch him. Cameron’s winning this game.

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