Final Jeopardy: World Leaders Address Congress (3-2-21)

Here are some more triple stumpers from the 3/2/2021 Jeopardy! game:

MOUNTAINS ($800) Here’s the crater of this Hawaiian volcano with a one-word name

FISH & CHIPS ($200) Alaskan pollock is the key ingredient in this alliterative McDonald’s sandwich

COLONY COLLAPSE DISORDER ($2000) After Mormons were driven out in the 1840s, French colonists called the Icarians failed to make this Illinois city work

ALTERNATE HISTORY NOVELS ($800) In “Ruled Britannia”, the Spanish Armada was victorious & this Spaniard rules England alongside Bloody Mary Tudor

COMPOUNDS ($1600) Nickel nitrate is used to make this positive electrode in batteries

Who can blame the players for getting confused in this wacky “UP RISING” category? (Mike Richards’ instructions didn’t help much: “Each response is 2 words, one with “up” and one without.”)

($200) “Up” goes before a mathematical group to make a word meaning “angry”
($400) “Up” rises to the top of a truck’s cargo so you can move data from your computer to a server
($600) Take the focal point of a theater & add “up” to get the back of that part
($800) “Up” is placed before an emotion to give us a word for “snobbish”
($1000) When “up” is rising to the front of a serving of liquor, now we have the gist of an argument


($200) Honolulu
($400) Hope
($600) Brookline
($800) Kinderhook
($1000) Yorba Linda


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2 Responses

  1. Quinn says:

    Ugh I wanted Michele to win today but as always my favorite loses…

  2. Lou says:

    Jon was quick on the buzzer today and today’s big win puts him in a good position to start a streak. I was expecting the other two.would know Netanyahu today. Michele should have stayed with her original bet instead of taking that big risk.